So you're telling me that if you have double what your nearest opponent does- EXACTLY double- and you get a Final Jeopardy question that's in a category you don't know much about. You're going to purposely bet $1 so you can win the game, instead of not doing anything like you should and putting all the pressure on your opponent?
I'm preeeetty sure he's talking about every other situation but that.
I'd HOPE so...he's being awful damn ambiguous, you gotta admit.
You seriously should seek some kind of professional help. You have serious anger issues.
I'm sorry, Joe, but I think I had a right to be upset there. I may be a pain in the ass but that doesn't give anyone carte blanche to say "I hope your whatever gets ruined", "you deserve to be tortured for your opinions", etc., and I would expect if I said something about it, I'd get a different response than "we're not doing anything because your post was too long." Like I say, think of me whatever you want, but even the worst of the worst were given fair trials before the verdicts were handed down, didn't they? (maybe that isn't the best example to use but still)
That's all I'ma say about that.
(ETA: okay, perhaps next time I should read dates on posts...this topic was basically dead until HYBYBT chimed in. Way to enhance my rep, man.
