[quote name=\'NicholasM79\' date=\'Dec 15 2003, 01:36 AM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Dec 15 2003, 01:30 AM\'] I think Melman's point is that it's an inane signature and that it presumes to speak for a global "we" that Henke is not qualified in any way, shape, or form to speak for. I, for one, could care less if I ever see a NASCAR or pro wrestling question on a game show ever again. [/quote]
I agree with Chris here, those two so-called "sports" I consider a very minute minority, even though wrestling has a fan base, I still consider it a minority. I just don't get the point. To not get off-topic, I do not believe the general public would even care to see such questions, or would even knows the answers to them. And yet, he STILL wants to see those questions!
One word: sheesh.
ObGameShow: TPiR still knows how to do primetime shows! [/quote]
This is slowly degenerating off-topic.
However, to dispute Nick's post, raings wise, NASCAR is ahead of the NHL, and, excluding the finals, the NBA. They've been known to beat the MLB, but get trounced by the NFL.
That part of your reasoning is flawed.
That said, however, generally, I've noticed sports questions are left out of general interest game shows (excluding Jeopardy!) for the most part. I don't remember but a handful on WWTBAM.
Also, I have stated this before: Do we have to make mention of every thing remotely gameshow related? Oh my gosh! Our football coach said we're going to have a Two Minute Drill today! This makes it on topic....not.
To close this post: The signature is inane; as others have mentioned; you are not the board spokesperson. A signature that read "I want more NASCAR and WWE questions" would be proper.