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Author Topic: What is your favorite GSN Promo/vignette  (Read 15230 times)


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What is your favorite GSN Promo/vignette
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2004, 03:33:40 PM »
Speaking of MG, here are a couple of my favorites:

1. He's gone through a lot of BLANK and trouble to look good. The least you could to was watch.

2. Hey! What the BLANK is going on here?
What the BLANK is he doing?
What kind of a BLANKin' show is this anyway?
I don't believe this BLANK!
Hey! I know her. AND him! They're BLANKin' hilarious.
Whoah, get a load of this BLANK.
Holy BLANK! This is funny!
What a great BLANKin' idea for a game show!

Match Game: You'll laugh your BLANK off!


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What is your favorite GSN Promo/vignette
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2004, 06:23:05 AM »
The WWF/WWE-style Wheel of Fortune promo ("Are you ready to feel the power of the W-O-F?" or something like that)
"Whammy's Greatest Hits"
The LMAD promos telling us to "watch out" for Monty, Jay, and Carol
Icey phone sex parody ("I'm waiting for you...to Cram!")
Richard Dawson "kisses" montage
"Golf Bob's Way" (which I only have an MP3 of)
Lingo Season 2 promo parodying the Six Million-Dollar Man
Those Match Game, Family Feud, and Newlywed Game sing-alongs
Tattletales "divorced couples" promo
"Expose the Inquizitor" (I've only seen one of those promos)

Jonathan Allen