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Author Topic: Have you seen...  (Read 18186 times)


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« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2003, 05:25:14 PM »
I have the First day of GSN on tape..It looked pretty good for 1994.

Jamey Greek

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« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2003, 10:11:37 PM »
I kinda remember when GSN first came out.  When I was at the Grocery Store with my mom in 3rd grade.  They sold Orbit Magazines, and I have seen Advertisements for GSN.  I remember a year later, when I went with my mom, and her then-boyfriend to drop his daughter off to see her mother in Mobile.  We stopped by a good friend of my mom's boyfriend's house, and he had a sattelite and I noticed it in the grid.  Christmas 1995, my grandmother bought me a Sattelite Dish to keep at her house (A Primestar which Directv bought out in 2000.)  Since I wanted GSN, plus she lived out in the boondocks in Alabama.  But I noticed that GSN was not availible yet.  We didn't get it until 1997, when the Dark Period rolled around. (Well, we actually got it in June 1997, when they were still airing G-T shows.)  I watched GSN 24/7 when it first came out.  But now, I watch a lot more then GSN.  I woke up to GSN, and I went to bed to GSN when it first came out.  So, I would like to get some GSN tapes, from 1994-1997, when Club AM, and Prime Games, and all came out.


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« Reply #32 on: December 08, 2003, 12:41:40 PM »
[quote name=\'Jamey Greek\' date=\'Dec 7 2003, 10:11 PM\'] I kinda remember when GSN first came out.  When I was at the Grocery Store with my mom in 3rd grade.  They sold Orbit Magazines, and I have seen Advertisements for GSN.  I remember a year later, when I went with my mom, and her then-boyfriend to drop his daughter off to see her mother in Mobile.  We stopped by a good friend of my mom's boyfriend's house, and he had a sattelite and I noticed it in the grid.  Christmas 1995, my grandmother bought me a Sattelite Dish to keep at her house (A Primestar which Directv bought out in 2000.)  Since I wanted GSN, plus she lived out in the boondocks in Alabama.  But I noticed that GSN was not availible yet.  We didn't get it until 1997, when the Dark Period rolled around. (Well, we actually got it in June 1997, when they were still airing G-T shows.)  I watched GSN 24/7 when it first came out.  But now, I watch a lot more then GSN.  I woke up to GSN, and I went to bed to GSN when it first came out.  So, I would like to get some GSN tapes, from 1994-1997, when Club AM, and Prime Games, and all came out. [/quote]
 I really, really, hope that you didn't actually watch GSN 24/7.  If so, you really need to consider turning off the boob tube, and say...open your front door?
Phil 4:13

Jamey Greek

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« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2003, 08:21:44 PM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Dec 8 2003, 12:41 PM\'] [quote name=\'Jamey Greek\' date=\'Dec 7 2003, 10:11 PM\'] I kinda remember when GSN first came out.  When I was at the Grocery Store with my mom in 3rd grade.  They sold Orbit Magazines, and I have seen Advertisements for GSN.  I remember a year later, when I went with my mom, and her then-boyfriend to drop his daughter off to see her mother in Mobile.  We stopped by a good friend of my mom's boyfriend's house, and he had a sattelite and I noticed it in the grid.  Christmas 1995, my grandmother bought me a Sattelite Dish to keep at her house (A Primestar which Directv bought out in 2000.)  Since I wanted GSN, plus she lived out in the boondocks in Alabama.  But I noticed that GSN was not availible yet.  We didn't get it until 1997, when the Dark Period rolled around. (Well, we actually got it in June 1997, when they were still airing G-T shows.)  I watched GSN 24/7 when it first came out.  But now, I watch a lot more then GSN.  I woke up to GSN, and I went to bed to GSN when it first came out.  So, I would like to get some GSN tapes, from 1994-1997, when Club AM, and Prime Games, and all came out. [/quote]
I really, really, hope that you didn't actually watch GSN 24/7.  If so, you really need to consider turning off the boob tube, and say...open your front door? [/quote]
 Oh! I got out of the house too!  Like for instance When I was living in Florida, and visiting my Grandmother, I would go see my Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins.  Plus, I would go out to eat with my grandmother.  But still, I woke up to GSN, and went to bed to GSN.


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« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2003, 05:30:06 PM »
I began seeing GSN somewhat regularly when Comcast added it to its Eatontown system sometime in 1996. This was when my cable system was not yet acquired by Comcast, and it took some doing for Adelphia to add GSN, which they finally did on April 15, 1998. At one time, GSN was Channel 19 on the Comcast system.

But we did see snippets of the channel from tapes fed to us by Dave Hammett, who also sent us a copy of a "Club AM" call-in segment in which Steve Day spoke the names of both Mackey brothers, live and on TV. The current GSN would never do that. There was also at one time a streaming Internet feed of GSN, which was soon discontinued when someone found out people were actually watching it.

Of course, the last shred of interactivity (besides the interactive games) was "Extreme Gong." The producers read the old alt.tv.game-shows and although we were made fun of there, it made for some good television the night George Gray was asked to display a vacuum cleaner hose on the air... and... well, we'll let George himself finish the story...


It was actually all a coincidence that I carried a
vaccuum hose :)

You had to ask for somtin' weird like that didn't you,
you bastard? Do you know how hard that was?

......actually, every day our props person Donna gives
me something cool to have for the show (my one tip of
the hat to dear Mr. Barris). I told her no one would
believe that this new idiot on line "extremeg" was me
unless I had a damn hose......she had that sucker (she
took it off a real vaccuum at the studio) in less than
5 minutes! Donna rocks!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2003, 05:31:23 PM by davemackey »


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« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2003, 09:13:15 PM »
[quote name=\'davemackey\' date=\'Dec 11 2003, 05:30 PM\'] I began seeing GSN somewhat regularly when Comcast added it to its Eatontown system sometime in 1996. This was when my cable system was not yet acquired by Comcast, and it took some doing for Adelphia to add GSN, which they finally did on April 15, 1998. At one time, GSN was Channel 19 on the Comcast system.

But we did see snippets of the channel from tapes fed to us by Dave Hammett, who also sent us a copy of a "Club AM" call-in segment in which Steve Day spoke the names of both Mackey brothers, live and on TV. The current GSN would never do that. There was also at one time a streaming Internet feed of GSN, which was soon discontinued when someone found out people were actually watching it.

Of course, the last shred of interactivity (besides the interactive games) was "Extreme Gong." The producers read the old alt.tv.game-shows and although we were made fun of there, it made for some good television the night George Gray was asked to display a vacuum cleaner hose on the air... and... well, we'll let George himself finish the story...


It was actually all a coincidence that I carried a
vaccuum hose :)

You had to ask for somtin' weird like that didn't you,
you bastard? Do you know how hard that was?

......actually, every day our props person Donna gives
me something cool to have for the show (my one tip of
the hat to dear Mr. Barris). I told her no one would
believe that this new idiot on line "extremeg" was me
unless I had a damn hose......she had that sucker (she
took it off a real vaccuum at the studio) in less than
5 minutes! Donna rocks!
 Ah, yes, the infamous Extreme Gong incident, which sent the whole ATGS community up in arms, as if their reputation was truly tarnished.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2003, 10:59:43 PM »
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' date=\'Dec 11 2003, 07:13 PM\'] Ah, yes, the infamous Extreme Gong incident, which sent the whole ATGS community up in arms, as if their reputation was truly tarnished. [/quote]
 I have to admit I still snicker whenever I see a Scott Satin-produced show take a dive. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2003, 01:11:22 AM »
it was great from dec.94- 2/97  there was lots of Tomarken live on his  show decades then