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Author Topic: Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN  (Read 26389 times)


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« on: December 15, 2003, 12:18:21 AM »
Just posted to multichannelnews.com this morning... if/when a more detailed story becomes available, I'll post.

 - David


Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
By R. Thomas Umstead
Multichannel News, 12/15/2003 12:03:00 AM

In a major repositioning, Game Show Network will downplay its traditional game-show fare for a more robust interactive-gaming and reality-based content platform, including the planned debut of a new interactive-TV-based digital channel in 2004.

GSN will shed its name and logo next month for a new moniker, which it wouldn’t disclose, and a look that reflects its new programming identity, according to president Rich Cronin.

He expects to detail the changes at next month’s Television Critics Association gathering in Hollywood.

The first casualty of the new approach was Bob Boden, the network’s senior vice president of programming and an avid fan of classic game shows. He left this past week amid plans for the network to devote as much as 75% of its primetime lineup to casino gaming and video-game programming.

"This is a major push for us," said Cronin, adding that the rebranding efforts have received the blessing of network owners Sony Pictures Entertainment and Liberty Media Corp.

Cronin wouldn’t talk about shows that would be added to the revamped network, but he did say the service would launch other casino-based programming, as well as video-game content.

For more on GSN, please see R. Thomas Umstead’s story on page one of Monday’s issue of Multichannel News.


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2003, 12:24:59 AM »
Well, It was good while it lasted, I guess.

Flame me if you want, but this announcement leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth. Wonder if anybody else feels the same way?

Wonder what the proposed new channel will feature; (Other than interactive-TV-based games.) And if any of those interactive-TV-based games would be of the game show variety? I guess time will tell.

From this point on for this post, I'll bite my tongue. (Or in this case, fingers.)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 12:40:46 AM by whampyl03 »


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2003, 12:55:14 AM »
Let the whining commence!
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Chelsea Thrasher

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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2003, 01:00:22 AM »
Just peachy.   Just damn peachy.   Well, on the upside, After nearly 5 years of service, the GSN Game-Ball NetID Bumpers'll finally be retired.

But, other than that, the shit really has hit the fan this time, and it smells like "Person x Shits his pants".  I mean, come on, you'd think GSN would have learned after harsh lessons.  GSN Video Games is dead in 3 months.   Naturally Stoned didn't even get to stay long enough to see Rerun-incarnation.   Non-traditional game Funny Money is on critical life support in the ICU at this point.  Do they just NOT get the point?  Game-related programming dosen't work.  Reality, though good for network, dosen't work here.

Moving back to cable next month.  This, right here, has just decided whether I'm going to Mediacom's "Pay a lot, Get a Little" digital cable.   Just ain't no way in hell I'm shellin out an extra $15-$20/month for, pretty much, GSN (Though TCM and Science channel have been known to be turned to every now and then) (I have to pay the overage between Analog and Digital, since I'm the one who wanted it).   Bitter?  Hell Yeah.  But, dangit, after telling people about the channel for years, going to hell and back to try to get Mediacom to add it (and finally did, on digital), paying obscene amounts just for the channel, having a bulky Digital Cable receiver, just for the Channel, they go and pull this shit?  Fine, I'll watch, hell, I'll find something else to watch.    

The Adlink January sched showed hope.  Looks like hope just got shot dead.

Bye Uncle Bill.  Bye Tom.  Bye Peter.  Bye Whammy.  Bye Bob.  Bye G-T.   Bye Pyramid.  Bye Steward.  Bye Password.   Bye TTTt.  Bye WML.  Bye CS.   Bye GSN...


<Jm J Bullock>  Welcome to Game Show Hell Everybody </JJB>

Sorry to rant, and rant severely, but I had to say it.   If anyone feels the need to vent, at me, go ahead.  Let's all vent.

Jimmy Owen

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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2003, 01:05:49 AM »
Well, there's only three hours of primetime, so if 75 percent is devoted to casino gaming, we will still get 45 minutes of WWTBAM each night.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2003, 01:09:14 AM »
[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' date=\'Dec 14 2003, 11:05 PM\'] Well, there's only three hours of primetime, so if 75 percent is devoted to casino gaming, we will still get 45 minutes of WWTBAM each night. [/quote]
 Personally, I enjoy casino gaming-type programs, so I might actually find myself watching MORE of whatever-GSN-ends-up-being than I do now.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Chelsea Thrasher

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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2003, 01:10:46 AM »
In that case, lemme just be the first to say, Yippedy-Damn-Doo-Dah-Day.  Don't get me wrong, I like WWTBAM.  But, to try and say "That's the only game show we're gonna have in PT", especially considering MG, Lingo, and, even NG and FF.  Nuh-uh.

And, for the record, I don't mind Casino shows.    It's just, I like Game Shows a heckuva lot more.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 01:12:09 AM by Seth Thrasher »


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2003, 01:13:41 AM »
Sorry to rant, and rant severely, but I had to say it. If anyone feels the need to vent, at me, go ahead. Let's all vent.

I feel your pain, but what the heck is the point exactly of venting anymore?  Nothing gets accomplished, nobody important will listen (and probably with good reason...), and it's frankly just too late now.  I say remember the good times (And I've had plenty of good times with GSN, believe it or not; And still do.);  The Rubicon has been crossed, and there is nothing that anybody can do.  We lost the battle. (If it wasn't a no-contest in the first place.)

And besides, it's not like that article said that the first order of business for the network is to phase out all game shows that are currently on the schedule.

Now, I’ll commence the biting of my tongue/fingers.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 01:21:54 AM by whampyl03 »

Jimmy Owen

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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2003, 01:18:07 AM »
I'm just guessing it will be WWTBAM, since it has been a ratings getter for GSN.  I'm not sure what casino type shows they could do.  Instructional programs on how to beat the house would get casinos upset.  Maybe simulcast the surveillance cam at the Sahara?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 01:21:08 AM by Jimmy Owen »
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2003, 01:58:42 AM »
[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' date=\'Dec 14 2003, 11:18 PM\'] Instructional programs on how to beat the house would get casinos upset. [/quote]
 I assure you they most definitely would NOT get the casinos upset if they did that. In fact I bet they would be lining up to buy ad time.

There is ONE way to "legally" "beat the house" in a casino, and that is counting cards in blackjack, which most casinos have outlawed and will disinvite you from further play if they catch you doing it.

The one thing a casino LOVES is some nimrod who thinks he has the games figured out. There IS no easier sucker to seperate from his money. If a network popped up with the mission of running programming that creates more suckers, you wouldn't hear so much as a peep from The Strip.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2003, 04:17:21 AM »
A year or two ago, I would have been really upset. But now that they're not showing anything worth watching and I only see an hour or two a week, it's more of a "shrug, I expected it" kind of feeling.

Hey, maybe we can get lots of shows on "how to win at Lotto" while they're at it. :rolleyes:


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2003, 08:01:24 AM »
I dont understand why the hell they would change.  What do they think got them as far as they are now?  GAME SHOWS!  Oh well.  Its not gonna change back so i hope for their sakes that it succeeds.  If not, i pity them because they screwed themselves over.

Ian Wallis

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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2003, 09:01:30 AM »
Well...we can always hope this fails miserably after a year or so and maybe they'll go back to game shows.

Well we CAN hope, can't we?
For more information about Game Shows and TV Guide Magazine, click here:


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2003, 09:32:21 AM »
My hope is that gameshows land someplace else. Maybe TVLand could schedule
a morning block. Or Hallmark. It seems as if the rights to most of these shows plus the man that can help make it happen are up for grabs now.


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Behind Door No. 2: A Revamped GSN
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2003, 09:44:44 AM »
I posted this in the GSN Forums, and I thought this was so good, I figured I'd share it over here too, with a couple added thoughts:

I just got finished reading Steve Beverly's "All in the Game" column. And you know what? He brings up an excellent point. The sad truth about television executives is that they make these business decisions to please the advertisers. As hard as that may be to swallow, they are the prime target. Not us, the diehard fans of this genre.

Over the years, I can safely say I have learned a lot about how a television network works and the ups and downs of running one. A few years ago, I would've been screaming and hollering here for GSN to pick up shows like The Price is Right, Sale of the Century, and Scrabble. Now, over this past year, I've come to realize that it is not as easy as it seems, and only with patience, perseverance, and maybe a little luck could we get what we've asked for.

But now, this announcement has made me realize that advertisers truly do have a greater power than we viewers do. There's probably a variety of factors that make them so much more important than us viewers.
It'll probably take me some time to reel in all the factors that has lead to Rich's announcement, but I'm sure we'll be hearing some real answers soon. I know this won't be the last time I hear of someone mentioning this topic.

Before someone goes out and misinterprets what I've said, yes. I'm as shot as most of you are that the "death" of GSN is nearly upon us. But am I going to scream, holler, break things, or swear all over the place? No, because as I said earlier, the advertisers are apparently the real fans of this network. If one of the executives were to actually base the network's direction on what WE thought, then it would've been a totally different story.

But I do give Rich Cronin at least some credit. He's doing all he can to keep a television network alive. Yep, a television network. That's what I'm calling it from this point forward. I don't know whether or not I'll be watching this "new" GSN that Cronin describes, no matter how big the changes are and whether or not they are absolutely true as Casey and LostCluster explained. But if it succeeds with the younger viewers, then good for him. If not, well, then that's a shame, regardless of whether or not they take an about face on this direction.

As the old sayings go, life goes on. I've recently been gaining more of an interest in older cartoons now that I've found some really old tapes. I've also been polishing up my writing skills in an effort to create fanfiction for certain franchises soon. And my sister has been going ga-ga over pinball, among other things.

We've both learned that we can go on without GSN. Nothing is meant to last forever, and in GSN's case, I think that's what we may be seeing IF this new plan even works out at all to begin with.

Thus concludes my long and argouous thought.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 09:48:26 AM by chuckwooleryfan »