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Author Topic: Second Chance vs Press Your Luck  (Read 2055 times)


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Second Chance vs Press Your Luck
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:11:57 PM »
Just wondering, how much of the props for Press Your Luck originated from Second Chance? I would assume the big board an the contestant podium, or were they remade for PYL.

Also, I find it odd that Second Chance never gets talked about as the predecessor for PYL, and surprised that Second Chance didn't have a longer run. In some areas I like Second Chance better, and I think Jim Peck was a great choice for the show and could have done very well on Press Your Luck.

Just thinking out loud.


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Second Chance vs Press Your Luck
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 09:14:57 PM »
Just wondering, how much of the props for Press Your Luck originated from Second Chance? I would assume the big board an the contestant podium, or were they remade for PYL.
Well, we know what happens when you assume. Except for the last part.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Second Chance vs Press Your Luck
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 10:42:52 PM »
Also, I find it odd that Second Chance never gets talked about as the predecessor for PYL, and surprised that Second Chance didn't have a longer run. In some areas I like Second Chance better, and I think Jim Peck was a great choice for the show and could have done very well on Press Your Luck.

Second Chance is almost universally considered a beta of Press Your Luck.

Based on the three episodes I have heard/listened to, I agree that Jim was a very good host. I wonder how he would have been on PYL.
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Second Chance vs Press Your Luck
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2012, 10:51:32 PM »
Also, I find it odd that Second Chance never gets talked about as the predecessor for PYL,

New here?


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Second Chance vs Press Your Luck
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 05:50:19 AM »
I don't believe ANYTHING from the Second Chance set was recycled for PYL. There's about a 7 year gap between the shows, so I don't think anything would've been saved.

As for Second Chance, I like the Q&A format better, although it takes longer to play out. However, PYL wins hands down in the visual department in terms of the gameboard, the variety, and of course animated Whammies. One thing I DID like about Second Chance's gameboard was that the prizes were all a mystery. All the prizes were symbolized by a gift box, and you didn't know what was until you landed on it.


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Second Chance vs Press Your Luck
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2012, 10:16:44 AM »
As to why Second Chance didn't get a longer run, it was scheduled at 12 noon eastern time against The Young and the Restless, which by 1977 had become a pretty solid hit. Its timeslot was a little awkward, too--for its first two months, between Happy Days repeats and Ryan's Hope. In April 1977 ABC moved Family Feud to 11:30, but evidently it wasn't enough for Second Chance to find a large audience.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 10:20:28 AM by thomas_meighan »


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Second Chance vs Press Your Luck
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2012, 10:07:36 PM »
As to why Second Chance didn't get a longer run, it was scheduled at 12 noon eastern time against The Young and the Restless, which by 1977 had become a pretty solid hit. Its timeslot was a little awkward, too--for its first two months, between Happy Days repeats and Ryan's Hope. In April 1977 ABC moved Family Feud to 11:30, but evidently it wasn't enough for Second Chance to find a large audience.

I remember seeing SC in Cleveland a few times, and I believe WEWS/TV 5 in Cleveland was already doing a Noon news show.  I'm trying to think if WEWS ran it at a different time (ISTR in the mid-morning), or if it was WAKR/TV-23 in Akron that was the lone airer of Second Chance in NE Ohio.