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Author Topic: GameTimer for Windows Phone 7  (Read 1367 times)


  • Member
  • Posts: 27733
  • Director of Suck Consolidation
GameTimer for Windows Phone 7
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:29:24 PM »
Finally all of the updates have been published and I have something stable I can talk about...

My second Windows Phone 7 app, GameTimer, is now available on the Windows Phone Marketplace, and is absolutely free!

I love party games (shocker, I know!), but I really don't like sand timers, and the options that have been out there for mobile device timers always seemed to be missing one or two things I wanted...the ability to set the time more granularly, or a decent "time's up!" sound, or whatever. (Or they're designed more as kitchen timers. Which work fine, sure, but they're not fun. :))

So I wrote GameTimer, which does exactly what I want it to: set up as a "shot clock" (so, resettable on the fly - perfect for a persistent 30-second Password turn clock), count down by tenths if I want to, save times that I use frequently, and most importantly play a nice honest buzzer when it hits zero. (Don't worry, this can be turned off, or replaced with a vibration, or both.) Oh, and it uses an eggcrate font for the clock. :)

I've since added a simple scorepad screen, which allows tracking from 0 to 99 points for up to four players or teams using really simple roller controls.

I invite everyone with a Windows Phone to check out GameTimer here. If you like it and can spare a minute to review it for me, I'd appreciate it.


/and let's head it off at the pass right now
//no, it will not be available for iPhone
///at least my maps work

(Oh, and mods, if you think this is more appropriate to be in the off-topic forum, please move it there. It occurred to me after the fact.)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 04:47:05 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe