Great catch. That's why my numbers are off
I think Norma's $28,800 win is also off by a day. Most people have it occuring on Halloween, where the guide lists Nov 1st. Also, on episode 301 it states Jim said it was the 300th show.
Still, a great guide with a lot of good information.
I think you're on to something.
Where it starts to get screwy is show 114. GSN aired that episode, but didn't air 113. 114 isn't accounted for in the sheet, but 115 is. The thing is, I believe, 115 (Martha opens at the Money Cards and busts on a King) should actually be 114 (and the airdate should be 9/28/78). And that puts every episode number and airdate off by 1.
I'll work with this later tonight and see if I can figure out what goes where. It'll give me something to do to avoid the debate tonight.