As someone who finds the technical aspects of producing game shows fascinating, although I understand very little about how any of it actually works, I was hoping the board might have an answer or an educated guess on how the boards on "The Pyramid" work.
I'm assuming that this is some sort of rear projection technology and that pyramid shaped monitors akin to the Dunder Mifflin "Pyramid" tablet aren't at play here.

The clarity and quality of the images as well as the way they perfectly "fit" into a Pyramid shaped screen without looking projected made me wonder:
A) Is this a fairly new technology? I know PYL and TJW both used rear-projection for their game boards, but it's obviously very low resolution slide type projectors. If this type of thing would have worked ten years ago, it seems odd to me that Donny's Pyramid didn't go that route...or Whammy! for that matter. I'd think it would be more economical than building a physical board with monitors, but who knows? Maybe it was just a design choice.
B) Any guesses as to whether the contestant back drop (the grid of golden pyramids) is also a rear projection? The image doesn't look like a physical picture to me, but I don't understand why they'd bother with rear projection back drops that don't "do" anything either. The pyramids holding up the arches over the winner's circle also have that grid of golden pyramids on them, but they appear to change to blue when the lights are dimmed for the round.
Any thoughts or guesses are appreciated.