I hear about the Family Feud strategy, and it never occurred to me to intentionally muff the last question like that.
On boardgamegeek.com, users are able to purchase microbadges to go next to their avatar. You can pledge fealty to games, sports teams, television shows, damn near anything you could imagine is in microbadge form. One of them has a quote from gamemeister extraordinaire Reiner Knizia: "when playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning."
I love playing games, and I love winning at games. I don't let my manic desire to win whatever game I'm playing detract from the real objective: sharing an experience with friends and having a good time. Winning the face-off and striking out in three straight answers runs counter to my manifesto there.
To Chris's point: my friend from junior high will occasionally bog down in analysis paralysis, and I have to pull him back saying "just a game, don't worry about it or ruin it for everyone." Sometimes he chafes at this, and sometimes he sees the light.