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Author Topic: Final episode mentions  (Read 44283 times)


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Final episode mentions
« Reply #75 on: December 21, 2003, 03:54:03 PM »
[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 04:49 PM\'] [quote name=\'Jim\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 02:23 PM\']
- Money Maze and Magnificane Marble Machine (reruns aired at the very end and no mention during the final original episode)
- Blyden What's My Line
- Cullen's  The Joker's Wild
- Second Chance [/quote]
"Second Chance" did have farewell speech.  Jim said "and this is our last game of 'Second Chance'....I'd like to thank......' etc, etc. I have it on audio tape somewhere and can transcribe the speech if anyone wants me to. [/quote]
 I'm interested.


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« Reply #76 on: December 21, 2003, 04:01:20 PM »
[quote name=\'Jim\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 02:23 PM\'] These shows did make a goodbye statement:
1.) 50 Grand Slam - Tom Kennedy said some sort of goodbye speech and ended it with "and I'll see you next week on Name That Tune".
1a.) Kennedy also joked during the last week they wouldn't be needing the studio space after this.
2.) You're Number's Up - Nipsey announced, with Lee Menning at his side, this was the final show.  Both were upbeat and kind in their words.  Nipsey thanked NBC "for the use of the hall" and they waved goodbye.
3.) Art's Jeopardy (both versions) - Fleming gave what appeared to be a very sincere goodbye speech after the original version went off.  He spoke slowly and. although trying to put up a good front, seemed genuinely remorse.  I remember that, when the revival went off, his goodbye speech was remarkably similar to the original one in words, but deliverred in a much lighter tone and faster and more "matter of fact".  Maybe he got better as he went along in doing this kind of this thing.
4.) Joe G.'s TTTT - I never saw the final taped syndicated episode, but it has been posted elsewhere Joe gave some strange rambling speech at the end alluding to not being sure and we may not see you again...
5.) CBS The Joker's Wild 7X- I dont' remember his exact speech, but Jack stood behind his podium, nobody else on stage, and gave a short talk and I remember him saying something about the show being a personally important moment to him.
6.) Blockbusters - Bill gave a short speech.  He read some statistics that about an equal number of family pairs and solo players won.  He also said he had one of the best times in his career hosting that show.  Also, I don't remember if it was this show, but on one of Cullen's shows, he hears the above-average sustained applause at the start of the show and asks into the camera if they know something he doesn't.
7.) Hot Potato - Bill makes a short statement at the end of the show this is it.  As some of the celebrities ham it up humming in the background (tacky they can joke when the crew is facing unemployment) he tastefully says goodbye.  During the show, Bill jokes with Jan Murray he will be there next week standing in the same spot reading his little questions whether anybody else is there or not.  Jan Murray jokes he will round up a few challengers and join him.  
8.) Daly's WML - the entire show centers around this is it.  They reminisce and the panel gives tearful final words at the end as they say goodnight.  Daly is the mystery guest and scores a few "no" answers.  A wonderful show, contrasted with Bud's nighttime TTTT going away where he matter-of-factedly says this is the end and nobody seems to care.  Orson even jokes, "Goodbye forever and we'll see you tomorrow at 3."  TTTT does a bit better with the final daytime where Bud says a few nice words.  He should, considering it gave him a job for over 10 years.
9.) Las Vegas Gambit - As the last seconds of the game roll on, an edit of Wink is inserted into the top of the screen saying this is the last show and David Letterman will be premiering Monday.  He adds, "I think you will like it," and the little box with his picture goes away.
10.) The Better Sex- Bill and Sarah say some sort of speech and as the credits roll, Sarah is shown on stage mingling with the contestants crying away.
11.) Bruce Forsythe's Hot Streak - I think Bruce said something marking the end.
12.) All Star Secrets - Eubanks said something (dont' remember what)
13.) Dream House - Bob gave a nice going away message.
14.) Kennedy's Break the Bank - in the middle of a game a buzzer sounds and Kennedy announces this is the final show and to wrap things up before they go off the contestants will just pick boxes until someone wins (a la Barry's BTB speedup game).  
15.) Kennedy's Split Second - Monty Hall visits the show and thanks him for bringing a lot of class to the show.
16.) The New Battlestars - Alex begins the show by saying, "Welcome to the New Battlestars, soon to be the old Battlestars."
- Money Maze and Magnificane Marble Machine (reruns aired at the very end and no mention during the final original episode)
- Blyden What's My Line
- Cullen's  The Joker's Wild
- Second Chance [/quote]
 I know this really wouldn't count as a final episode per se, but it was the end of an era. Last year on Hollywood Squares, Tom Bergeron gave Whoopi a nice little farewell speech and thanked her for her 4 years as center square. I was kinda hoping for something a bit longer, but the acknowledgement was nice enough.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #77 on: December 21, 2003, 04:47:50 PM »
3.) Art's Jeopardy (both versions) - Fleming gave what appeared to be a very sincere goodbye speech after the original version went off. He spoke slowly and. although trying to put up a good front, seemed genuinely remorse. I remember that, when the revival went off, his goodbye speech was remarkably similar to the original one in words, but deliverred in a much lighter tone and faster and more "matter of fact".

I feel you kinda short changed the original finale. It was more or less another "whole show revolves around the show ending" sort of deal. They did play the game, and showed clips too. Mel Brooks came to visit, and they had a neato category "Jeopardy 1965" where the answers were short and to the point like in '65. It was mostly avoided, though. Don Pardo made an on-camera appearance and they faded to black with nice music over the credits.

The second speech came across that way I'd assume because the revival didn't last that long. He came on in the final segment and spent the credits waving goodbye.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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« Reply #78 on: December 21, 2003, 05:11:17 PM »
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Dec 18 2003, 07:59 AM\'] [quote name=\'JRaygor\' date=\'Dec 18 2003, 12:09 AM\']

Speaking of the last CC episode. It's very obvious watcing it tha Alex is very bitter the show is closing, a LOT of sarcastic comments are made, at the end of the episode Alex says in a rather somber voice: "We've enjoyed having you with us... so long everyone."

It didn't help he had to endure two of the most ANNOYING contestants in the History of Modern Game Shows in the first half.

-Joe R. [/quote]
Apparently Alex tried to convince NBC to do new episodes of Concentration shortly after the reruns began. The reruns(which were only year-old reruns when the show first started airing, then by early 1993 they jumped back to 1987-88 shows) were getting just as decent ratings as the first run shows were. [/quote]
 Why did NBC bring this back a month after cancellation?  What show did it replace?

I wish they would have made new epsiodes, that was a great show.


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« Reply #79 on: December 21, 2003, 05:57:31 PM »
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 11:51 AM\'] [quote name=\'GSWitch\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 09:05 AM\'] That's because the show was fixed (Scandal 2)!  Whenever the Super Password was @ $20,000 or better, male contestants were placed on hold until the jackpot was won!  Then when it went back to $5,000, men were invited again.

This also happened on Word Play ($15,000) & NBC's Wheel of Fortune original Jackpot space in 1986-87 ($5,000).  The Reg Grundy shows (Sale & Scrabble) are innocent. [/quote]
Not that I'm turning into a moderator (Chris C. and Matt do a fine job without having to resort to interference from some peon like myself), but that's a pretty serious accusation and one that I think needs some proof.

In fact, I can pretty much debunk it.  The infamous "Rip Taylor pulls off his toupee" episode of SP had a contestant going for a $40,000 or $45,000 jackpot.  The contestant in question--male (and he didn't get it, at least on that episode).

Doug [/quote]
 My apologies for having a memory like an elephant, but when it comes to unusual game show stats & trivia, I have a certain knack for it.  

May I ask what year that Rip Taylor episode of Super Password happened?  Because the T of Cs happened around February 1985.  I can also debunk the accusation in 1988 when the con artist Patrick Quinn/Kari Ketchum was on the show when he won $55,000, then lost it.

But I distinctly remember Word Play though.


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« Reply #80 on: December 21, 2003, 06:06:49 PM »
[quote name=\'GSWitch\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 03:57 PM\'] My apologies for having a memory like an elephant, but when it comes to unusual game show stats & trivia, I have a certain knack for it.  

May I ask what year that Rip Taylor episode of Super Password happened?  Because the T of Cs happened around February 1985.  I can also debunk the accusation in 1988 when the con artist Patrick Quinn/Kari Ketchum was on the show when he won $55,000, then lost it.

But I distinctly remember Word Play though. [/quote]
 Yeah, and people who over the years have proven a similar ability to recall such minutae are telling you that you're dead wrong. Add in your obvious gender issues and I think I'm inclined to take Doug's and Chuck's word over yours unless you can provide some better proof than your own say-so.

The date of the TOC is irrelevant. You are accusing a game show of rigging its contestant process, and around here the word "rigged" is pretty politically charged, and is not tossed about lightly. We'd like some hard proof.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #81 on: December 21, 2003, 06:39:06 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 05:06 PM\'] Yeah, and people who over the years have proven a similar ability to recall such minutae are telling you that you're dead wrong. Add in your obvious gender issues and I think I'm inclined to take Doug's and Chuck's word over yours unless you can provide some better proof than your own say-so.

The date of the TOC is irrelevant. You are accusing a game show of rigging its contestant process, and around here the word "rigged" is pretty politically charged, and is not tossed about lightly. We'd like some hard proof. [/quote]
Please accept my heartfelt apologies to everybody on the forum.    I will drop this issue & consider it closed.  

In fact, I'll volunteer to stop posting for awhile, you have my Scout's honor on that.  Don't want to risk getting into any more trouble.  

Thanks for a wonderful 3 months.  Merry Christmas.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2003, 06:44:25 PM by GSWitch »


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« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2003, 06:48:09 PM »
[quote name=\'GSWitch\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 06:39 PM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 05:06 PM\'] Yeah, and people who over the years have proven a similar ability to recall such minutae are telling you that you're dead wrong. Add in your obvious gender issues and I think I'm inclined to take Doug's and Chuck's word over yours unless you can provide some better proof than your own say-so.

The date of the TOC is irrelevant. You are accusing a game show of rigging its contestant process, and around here the word "rigged" is pretty politically charged, and is not tossed about lightly. We'd like some hard proof. [/quote]
Please accept my heartfelt apologies to everybody on the forum.    I will drop this issue & consider it closed.  

In fact, I'll volunteer to stop posting for awhile, you have my Scout's honor on that.  Don't want to risk getting into any more trouble.  

Thanks for a wonderful 3 months.  Merry Christmas. [/quote]
 No, you don't have to do all that. You made a mistake with a post, we all do. No need to go into hiding, just be more careful with your facts.

ObGameShow: 21...now that show was rigged...in the 50s. :-P
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2003, 07:10:11 PM »
[quote name=\'bellbm\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 04:11 PM\'] [quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Dec 18 2003, 07:59 AM\'] [quote name=\'JRaygor\' date=\'Dec 18 2003, 12:09 AM\']

Speaking of the last CC episode. It's very obvious watcing it tha Alex is very bitter the show is closing, a LOT of sarcastic comments are made, at the end of the episode Alex says in a rather somber voice: "We've enjoyed having you with us... so long everyone."

It didn't help he had to endure two of the most ANNOYING contestants in the History of Modern Game Shows in the first half.

-Joe R. [/quote]
Apparently Alex tried to convince NBC to do new episodes of Concentration shortly after the reruns began. The reruns(which were only year-old reruns when the show first started airing, then by early 1993 they jumped back to 1987-88 shows) were getting just as decent ratings as the first run shows were. [/quote]
Why did NBC bring this back a month after cancellation?  What show did it replace?

I wish they would have made new epsiodes, that was a great show. [/quote]
 Supposedly CONCENTRATION was brought back (to paraphrase from a USA TODAY article announcing its return) because of the glut of talk shows that were on the airwaves at that point.  It wound up replacing COVER TO COVER on the schedule (C2C was the Gayle "I was Oprah's best friend until Dr. Phil came along" King-hosted magazine/talk show).

Note that C2C's premiere was while WoF and CONCENTRATION were still in first-run, so while it technically wasn't intended as a replcement for the games, it essentially wound up being one (and wound up being replaced by one).

"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)

Brandon Brooks

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« Reply #84 on: December 21, 2003, 07:14:43 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 06:06 PM\'] Add in your obvious gender issues and I think I'm inclined to take Doug's and Chuck's word over yours unless you can provide some better proof than your own say-so. [/quote]
 That's a low blow (no pun intended).  Now eventhough I was tiring of the "cackling" alterego myself, that should have nothing to do with his/her credibility.  I agree throwing the term "rigged" around loosely is irresponsible, but let's play a little nicer.

Brandon Brooks


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« Reply #85 on: December 21, 2003, 07:21:38 PM »
[quote name=\'Jim\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 02:23 PM\'] GOODBYE SPEECHES

- Cullen's  The Joker's Wild
 Cullen did say something to the effect that he had enjoyed working on the show the last two shows and that reruns would air during the summer months. I'm pretty sure Enright and Co. knew the fate of TJW and TTD before the last shows were taped(I read in January 1986 that they were done after that season) Whether he knew at the time that it would be the last time he ever hosted a game show is up for debate.


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« Reply #86 on: December 21, 2003, 07:37:35 PM »
[quote name=\'Brandon Brooks\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 05:14 PM\'] That's a low blow (no pun intended).  Now eventhough I was tiring of the "cackling" alterego myself, that should have nothing to do with his/her credibility.  I agree throwing the term "rigged" around loosely is irresponsible, but let's play a little nicer. [/quote]
 I suggest that it's EXTREMELY relevant to the issue.

My mentioning that had nothing to do with the "mascot" stuff at all, actually, he's made several other posts indicating an interest in quantities of women vs. men as contestants and panelists on game shows that could most generously be described as "unusual" prior to this discussion, and I think he may be letting it skew his memory.

Now, if he wants to play martyr instead of sucking it up and learning something from the experience. that's disappointing, but that's also his choice.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #87 on: December 21, 2003, 08:19:37 PM »
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 05:48 PM\'] No, you don't have to do all that. You made a mistake with a post, we all do. No need to go into hiding, just be more careful with your facts.

ObGameShow: 21...now that show was rigged...in the 50s. :-P [/quote]
 You're right, I won't go into hiding my head like an ostrich!  Thanks for the kind words fostergray!  I'm confessing that it was wrong to post something out of my own memory & had misjudged all this time.    

And people, don't mind the mascot.  It's just a character I drew & created.

I call this a truce.


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« Reply #88 on: December 21, 2003, 08:47:43 PM »
[quote name=\'GSWitch\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 06:19 PM\'] I'm confessing that it was wrong to post something out of my own memory & had misjudged all this time.    
 Very big of you. Here's to a long and enjoyable stay. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #89 on: December 21, 2003, 09:03:04 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 05:06 PM\'][quote name=\'GSWitch\' date=\'Dec 21 2003, 03:57 PM\'] My apologies for having a memory like an elephant, but when it comes to unusual game show stats & trivia, I have a certain knack for it. 

May I ask what year that Rip Taylor episode of Super Password happened?  Because the T of Cs happened around February 1985.  I can also debunk the accusation in 1988 when the con artist Patrick Quinn/Kari Ketchum was on the show when he won $55,000, then lost it.

But I distinctly remember Word Play though. [/quote]
Yeah, and people who over the years have proven a similar ability to recall such minutae are telling you that you're dead wrong. Add in your obvious gender issues and I think I'm inclined to take Doug's and Chuck's word over yours unless you can provide some better proof than your own say-so.

The date of the TOC is irrelevant. You are accusing a game show of rigging its contestant process, and around here the word "rigged" is pretty politically charged, and is not tossed about lightly. We'd like some hard proof.[/quote]
Thanks, Chris L.

For the record, the Rip Taylor toupee incident was in 1988 (pretty sure it was January, with that week of episodes taped in late 1987).

As for you, GSWitch, G-d knows I've made my fair share of mistakes in posts, but something like that I wouldn't post unless I was absolutely sure and could provide some degree of proof. Even that doesn't necessarily guarantee its validity--as I found out the hard way in a post about Mark Goodson Productions in which I had no inside knowledge but used material from a couple of websites that I thought were reputable to try to provide some insight.  And while the sites themselves may have been reputable, there was information on them that probably wasn't (and I got called on it).  Since then, I've tried to be lot more careful about what I say.  Still doesn't mean I'm going to be 100% accurate, but I'm striving.

Point being--even if you think you know, you may very well not know.  Word to the wise should be sufficient enough.  And happy holidays.  :)

"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)