Dan, in all seriousness, how could you not have heard about Jeffrey Dahmer until today? Did you not watch the news when you were little? Have you ever heard of a sociology class?
I was discussing this point with Steve Gavazzi yesterday: given the time period of J. D.'s crime spree, if Dan's young enough it is possible that he would not have heard about them at all. Given that Dahmer met his reward in 1994, it is entirely possible.
You and/or Steve would be correct -- I was 3 when Dahmer went to trial in 1992, and 6 when he met his reward (I like that term

in '94. I was going to school during that time, as well.
That aside, I've heard of sociology classes but never attended one (long story).
That doesn't excuse the lack of google-fu on his part, but there y'are.
Admittedly, it doesn't. (And I love "google-fu".

Are you blind?
Since you asked in seriousness, I'll respond in turn -- no, I'm not blind nor am I "legally blind" (20/200, that sort of thing). I'm also not deaf or mute in any way, I have all my body parts intact, I have no continuous pains, and I have all my teeth in my mouth.
So in all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with me physically.