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Author Topic: A partial history of "By The Numbers" (1962-63)  (Read 3239 times)


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A partial history of "By The Numbers" (1962-63)
« on: January 28, 2013, 03:08:36 AM »
I was researching the career of Mike Lawrence/Laurence (announcer on The Object Is, The Young Marrieds, and the Shopper's Bazaar pilot) when I found a Variety "resume"-ish thing from December 11, 1964 which listed The Object Is along with the KTLA version of You Don't Say! and...By the Numbers. Intrigued, I dug through the free archive blurbs to see what I could find -- while I don't have an account (can't afford it) and I couldn't find anything on the format, what I did find was rather interesting. Since "By" and "the" were omitted by the search engine (too short and common), I had to use things like "Ralph Andrews Numbers" and "KTLA Numbers".

Anyway, on to the blurbs, which are generally as they are on the site with mangled letters/words being fixed and bracketed hyphens to separate headers from bodies. Anything else put in brackets are my additions based on context.

* July 12, 1962: Desilu Packaging Live 'Numbers' For KTLA [-] Desilu Productions will package "By The Numbers," a live show to be aired on KTLA this summer. It's the first time the telefilmery has been involved in a live tele-show. Show debuts July 28.
* July 23, 1962: Stewart 'Numbers' M.C. [-] Jay Stewart has been signed by producers Ralph Andrews and Bill Yagemann as permanent host of Desilu's first live television series, "By The Numbers," debuting Saturday.
* July 24, 1962: Stevena and Anthony George have been signed by producers Ralph Andrews and Bill Yagemann as guests on "By The Numbers," Desilu's Initial live TV series, which debuts Saturday over KTLA. Game show will be taped at KTLA on Thursday. (Not sure who "Stevena" is. Based on other S -> A errors such as "Deailu'a", which I've corrected for the sake of legibility, this might be "Stevens".)
* August 31, 1962: Lee Marvin and Beverly Garland have been set to guest on Desilu's live game show, "By The Numbers," emcee hosted by Jay Stewart over KTLA.
* October 4, 1962: Countryman Setting Up Guests By 'Numbers' [-] Linda Countryman has joined staff of Desilu's "By The Numbers" as assistant to producers Ralph Andrews and Bill Yagemann.
* October 23, 1962: (Page 180 includes a picture of Stewart holding the board game.)

* January 15, 1963: Barry Emcees 'Numbers' [-] Jack Barry has been set by producers Ralph Andrews and Bill Yagemann as permanent emcee of Desilu's "By The Numbers," airing on KTLA daily. Barry, who also hosts Desilu's "You Don't Say," will take over Jan. 28.
* January 16, 1963: Quizzer host Jack Barry, Jan. 28. takes over emcee chores on Desilu's "By the Numbers," the Ralph Andrews-Bill Yagemann game show going on KTLA, Los Angeles, in the Friday night 7:30 to 8 p.m. slot. Barry also handles the station's morning show.
* March 14, 1963: Desilu's live TV series, "You Don't Say," begins telecasting across-the-board on NBC-TV April 1, while its local show, "By The Numbers," continues on KTLA.
* June 12, 1963: Presently, they [Andrews and Yagemann] have a show called "By the Numbers" on KTLA. It is understood ABC-TV is interested, at least a little, in airing a network [version.]
* June 26, 1963: If there's a harder worker in the TV vineyards, Jack Barry would like to meet him. On KTLA he's "on" six hours a day and this doesn't include his game show, "By the Numbers," and an hour on Sunday night.
* July 11, 1963: [The deal] for KNBC sportscaster Chick Heam to emcee KTLA's "By The Numbers" has hit a contractual snag and Jack Barry is returning to the game show to tape two programs until KTLA's program director Bob Quinlan can find a successor. Barry pulled out of "Numbers" because of other station commitments. (According to Wikipedia {salt appropriately}, Heam eventually hosted Bowling For Dollars on KTLA from 1972-77.)
* July 31, 1963: An Andrews-Yagemann Production in Association with Desilu "BY THE NUMBERS" Starring...WINK MARTINDALE GUEST STARS and PRIZES EVERY THURSDAY (From the thumbnail, it appears to be a ticket.)

...And the trail seems to stop, with Lawrence/Laurence's "resume"-thing listing By the Numbers under past work. Still, there's two other blurbs I wanted to note:
* May 15, 1962: Kennedy 'Zoom' Emcee [-] Tom Kennedy will emcee "Zoom," new daytime game show created and produced by Ralph Andrews and William R. Yagemann of Desilu.
* May 8, 1964: KTLA Takes 'Bet' [-] Andrews-Yagemann Productions has sold KTLA new game show, "I'll Bet," for 18 weeks, starting May 28 at 10:30 p.m. Emceed by Jack Narz, show will pit husband against wife. Buck Pennington will produce and direct. Jerry Bowne is associate producer.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 03:26:35 AM by Dan88 »
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A partial history of "By The Numbers" (1962-63)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 04:36:07 PM »
* July 23, 1962: Stewart 'Numbers' M.C. [-] Jay Stewart has been signed by producers Ralph Andrews and Bill Yagemann as permanent host of Desilu's first live television series, "By The Numbers," debuting Saturday.
* August 31, 1962: Lee Marvin and Beverly Garland have been set to guest on Desilu's live game show, "By The Numbers," emcee hosted by Jay Stewart over KTLA.
* October 4, 1962: Countryman Setting Up Guests By 'Numbers' [-] Linda Countryman has joined staff of Desilu's "By The Numbers" as assistant to producers Ralph Andrews and Bill Yagemann.
* October 23, 1962: (Page 180 includes a picture of Stewart holding the board game.)

I hate to think what would have happened if this came to pass.....

* July 31, 1963: An Andrews-Yagemann Production in Association with Desilu "BY THE NUMBERS" Starring...WINK MARTINDALE GUEST STARS and PRIZES EVERY THURSDAY (From the thumbnail, it appears to be a ticket.)

Too bad this didn't come to pass either.....

« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 08:20:30 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)