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Author Topic: Do You Roku?  (Read 34224 times)


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Do You Roku?
« on: February 22, 2013, 05:21:48 PM »

I have been enjoying my Roku player since the holidays, and its fun finding some lost shows and movies on the hundreds of \"niche channels\" they carry.


Some of the worthwhile channels I have found, outside of the usual Hulu/Crackle/Netflix heavies: 


N2TV -- A hearty supply of \"Celebrity Bowling\" episodes


POP FLIX/CLASSIC TV -- Mostly Public Domain shows, but they have quite a few \"You Bet Your Life\" shows, and for you Betty White fans, they also carry most. if not all eps of \"Date With The Angels\" and \"Life With Elizabeth\"


JLTV (Jewish Life TV) -- At least twice a week, they show old reruns of the \"Soupy Sales Show\" and \"Candid Camera\"



I also love using the \"channel\" called PLEX:  Pretty much it allows you to \"download\" most videos off the internet and watch it later \"on demand\" on your TV set.  I \"Plex\" many of the videos posted here on the Forum as well as the other game show videos posted on YouTube since most of them look and sound a heck of a lot better (and bigger) on my widescreen HDTV than over my computer screen.



Any other good Roku channels that you have found watching a lot, game show worthy or not?




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Do You Roku?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2013, 05:45:46 PM »

Af first I said \"damn, that\'s the worst description of a media server client I have ever read.\" But then I dug a little.


So are you using the MyPlex thing to queue up web videos to watch on Plex? And is there any sort of a fee for this? Seems pretty useful for a lot of people if it\'s acting like you say it is.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 05:57:48 PM »
My current YouTube Roku client is called BuzzFeed. Type in a username, and you can access its public playlists. That\'s a quick way to line up some game shows using your own username, then sit in front of the TV and enjoy. It also has a search function. It would be ideal if you were able to follow channels without changing the base username to start, but hey.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 05:57:55 PM »

Add http://www.thenowhereman.com/roku/ to your Roku and then you get a live Challenge TV (UK game shows) feed for free.


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 06:00:19 PM »
Af first I said \"damn, that\'s the worst description of a media server client I have ever read.\" But then I dug a little.


So are you using the MyPlex thing to queue up web videos to watch on Plex? And is there any sort of a fee for this? Seems pretty useful for a lot of people if it\'s acting like you say it is.


Nope, all I did was follow the syncing-up directions on the Roku Plex channel, install a \"Plex It\" button on my computer\'s bookmark\'s bar and whenever I see a webpage that has a single video on it (I can\'t get it to cue up multiple videos on one page), I hit \"Plex It\" and then a few seconds later it will show up on my Roku\'s Plex Queue screen.  Unfortunately, for those shows that are broken up into parts, you have to \"Plex It\" each individual part to put into queue. 


There is no fee to use Plex, and it kinda runs like the newer Netflix-on-Demand platforms.  You can elect to keep what you watched or you can remove them from your queue at any time.


 Through YouTube, I have queued up literally \"seasons\" of old TV shows (I Dream of Jeannie Season 4, for example) and will watch 3 or 4 episodes at a time.


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2013, 06:26:58 PM »
Nope, all I did was follow the syncing-up directions on the Roku Plex channel, install a \"Plex It\" button on my computer\'s bookmark\'s bar and whenever I see a webpage that has a single video on it (I can\'t get it to cue up multiple videos on one page), I hit \"Plex It\" and then a few seconds later it will show up on my Roku\'s Plex Queue screen.  Unfortunately, for those shows that are broken up into parts, you have to \"Plex It\" each individual part to put into queue. 


Huh. I can see that being pretty useful since an official YouTube client is still the most glaring omission on the Roku.


I do trust that you have to have Plex Media Center installed and turned on on a PC in your house, though, yes?


There is no fee to use Plex,


This isn\'t true. Plex absolutely charges for some of their services. Maybe you don\'t happen to be using or have been exposed to any of them, and that\'s great if so, but their suite is not 100% free.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2013, 06:31:00 PM »
Add http://www.thenowhereman.com/roku/ to your Roku and then you get a live Challenge TV (UK game shows) feed for free.


That\'s a live stream? Huh, I\'ll have to look into that. I could swear I installed Nowhere TV ages ago, but I primarily stream through my Xboxen now.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 06:32:27 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 06:34:01 PM »

It\'s the same stream from http://www.filmon.com


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2013, 07:11:52 PM »
Nope, all I did was follow the syncing-up directions on the Roku Plex channel, install a \"Plex It\" button on my computer\'s bookmark\'s bar and whenever I see a webpage that has a single video on it (I can\'t get it to cue up multiple videos on one page), I hit \"Plex It\" and then a few seconds later it will show up on my Roku\'s Plex Queue screen.  Unfortunately, for those shows that are broken up into parts, you have to \"Plex It\" each individual part to put into queue. 


Huh. I can see that being pretty useful since an official YouTube client is still the most glaring omission on the Roku.


I do trust that you have to have Plex Media Center installed and turned on on a PC in your house, though, yes?




When I followed the prompts on my Roku to sign up on my \'puter, I completely bypassed the main Plex Media Center gateway.  I must have been asked to go directly to some sort of plex/activateroku.com site (don\'t remember off hand the exact website).  I do not have Plex Media Center installed anywhere on my computer at the present time.


After finding the main Plex Media Center website, I now get what you are talking about -- So if you use Plex on Roku in it\'s simplest form (which I guess I\'m doing), there is no cost at all nor do you even see all the other things Plex offers -- fee-based or otherwise.  It\'s just a bare bones YouTube (et al) to Roku queuing device.


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2013, 07:23:13 PM »
Add http://www.thenowhereman.com/roku/ to your Roku and then you get a live Challenge TV (UK game shows) feed for free.

Thank you for giving me a reason to find and re-hook up my Roku.


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2013, 07:40:36 PM »
 It\'s just a bare bones YouTube (et al) to Roku queuing device.


Huh, whereas I thought it was only a media server client and did none of this queuing stuff at all, hence my original puzzlement. Very interesting. I shall have to check it out.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2013, 08:34:16 PM »
I have been enjoying my Roku player since the holidays, and its fun finding some lost shows and movies on the hundreds of \"niche channels\" they carry.



POP FLIX/CLASSIC TV -- Mostly Public Domain shows, but they have quite a few \"You Bet Your Life\" shows, and for you Betty White fans, they also carry most. if not all eps of \"Date With The Angels\" and \"Life With Elizabeth\"


JLTV (Jewish Life TV) -- At least twice a week, they show old reruns of the \"Soupy Sales Show\" and \"Candid Camera\"




Which seasons of Candid Camera?  And how many Life With Elizabeth eps. do they have?  Anything not covered by the PD DVDs?

I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2013, 08:36:20 PM »
 It\'s just a bare bones YouTube (et al) to Roku queuing device.


Huh, whereas I thought it was only a media server client and did none of this queuing stuff at all, hence my original puzzlement. Very interesting. I shall have to check it out.


Well thank you for letting me know about Plex\'s bigger picture.  That explains the Recommendations section on the Roku screen that I couldn\'t do anything with!


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Do You Roku?
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2013, 08:47:35 PM »
I have been enjoying my Roku player since the holidays, and its fun finding some lost shows and movies on the hundreds of \"niche channels\" they carry.



POP FLIX/CLASSIC TV -- Mostly Public Domain shows, but they have quite a few \"You Bet Your Life\" shows, and for you Betty White fans, they also carry most. if not all eps of \"Date With The Angels\" and \"Life With Elizabeth\"


JLTV (Jewish Life TV) -- At least twice a week, they show old reruns of the \"Soupy Sales Show\" and \"Candid Camera\"




Which seasons of Candid Camera?  And how many Life With Elizabeth eps. do they have?  Anything not covered by the PD DVDs?


Right now, they are early on in the first year of the 70\'s run, when \"Treasure Isle\" host and legendary voiceover performer (Fotomat/Dirt Devil/Owens Corning) John Bartholomew Tucker was co-hosting with Allen Funt.  I never realized how bad that first season was when you compared it to the later years of the 70\'s incarnation of Candid Camera.


As far as Betty White, I counted 20 \"Life w/ Elizabeth\" eps and 18 \"Date w/ the Angels\" eps. 


...And there were 24 episodes of Celebrity Bowling.

aaron sica

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Do You Roku?
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2013, 08:57:19 PM »
Add http://www.thenowhereman.com/roku/ to your Roku and then you get a live Challenge TV (UK game shows) feed for free.

Thank you for giving me a reason to find and re-hook up my Roku.
