No less than Chris Lemon said \"the excitement of (shopping) is not what happens (upstage), but what happens on the other side of the door.\"
When did I say that? That was awfully damned profound of me. 
What I will say is that to ask \"Other than cutting shopping
If you want to say \"cutting the shopping endgame,\" or if what you said was shorthand for that, that\'s one thing. But it needs to be made clear that no matter how many times people make the claim, shopping did not get completely cut out of the show, and what remained still had an impact on the game, and IMO not an appreciably different one than it had before.
For people who are saying \"Any Sale is better than nothing,\" would you level up on your cable plan due to this move and nothing more?
Of course not, because I\'m not going to level up my cable for a 13-week commitment to *anything*; the contest business is just far too fickle for me to put that sort of trust in them. Nor does anyone fault you for choosing not to. (To my knowledge. If someone does, well, they\'re a ninny.) But it\'s not an either-or proposition. For you, yes, it involves a financial expenditure to get on board, and that\'s a decision you made, and that\'s fine. For the mass majority of us, the requested investment comes in daily blocks of 22 minutes since we already have GSN, and that\'s a far smaller price to pay.
TL;DR: Those of us who are still excited about this news are excited because for us it\'s 100% gift horse, and I for one have little interest in checking out the quality of the dentistry.