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Author Topic: The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development  (Read 53023 times)


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #135 on: August 10, 2013, 06:13:11 PM »


the new episode airs Tuesday at 8 Eastern, yes?

This Tuesday [and, assumedly, every Tuesday from now on] has one new episode at 9PM ET.


So the 8:00P show is (likely) the previous week\'s, and then the new one?

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #136 on: August 10, 2013, 06:47:53 PM »

So the 8:00P show is (likely) the previous week\'s, and then the new one?

On my (and http://gsntv.com/schedule/\'>GSN\'s) schedule right now, it shows a new Minute to Win It at 8PM, followed by a new Chase for Tuesday nights.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 06:48:42 PM by chad1m »


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #137 on: August 10, 2013, 07:07:08 PM »


So the 8:00P show is (likely) the previous week\'s, and then the new one?

On my (and http://gsntv.com/schedule/\'>GSN\'s) schedule right now, it shows a new Minute to Win It at 8PM, followed by a new Chase for Tuesday nights.


Ah, okay, they just double-pumped for the premiere. Got it. Thank you!

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #138 on: August 10, 2013, 07:56:22 PM »

Surely that excludes the middle ground, doesn\'t it? I\'ve gone over this before; don\'t look at is as a reward for losing, look at it as the exchange of one favor for another. That isn\'t coddling, that\'s being respectful of a person\'s time. If you had lost the final chase would you have turned down $100 per right answer in the Final Chase?


I think part of the problem is the uncertain make up of the team at the end. Does everyone get $100 a step if Labette catches them? If they do, then you can expect to dole out about $4000-$5000 to a losing team, which is not insignificant to the prize budget. If they don\'t and it\'s split among the team, then what\'s to stop an unscrupulous player from telling his teammates to go balls to the wall in the opening chase, so they can flame out and he can guarantee himself an easy grand if he makes it on his own? (And don\'t think there weren\'t people in the contestant pool for whom that would be a consideration.)


Besides that, it\'s a clumsy resolution for a game that\'s billed as some sort of cranial gladiatorial combat. Oh, sorry, you\'ve been caught and your chase is over. Here\'s $1000.


I think the show did a good enough job going across the country looking for worthy adversaries to the Beast that coddling them with a loser\'s purse isn\'t necessary. Now, if the contestant search was LA-only, knowing fully well that they were serving up fresh mutton for Labette, then I\'d be changing my tune.

You're in a room. You're wearing a silly hat.
There are letters on the floor. They spell "NOPE".


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #139 on: August 10, 2013, 07:59:53 PM »

I think the show did a good enough job going across the country looking for worthy adversaries to the Beast that coddling them with a loser\'s purse isn\'t necessary.


If they\'re flying them in on their dime and taking care of their lodging during their stay (and it doesn\'t sound like they are) maybe. If they aren\'t and they are encouraging out-of-the-area contestants, I don\'t think kicking them a buck or two for their trouble is the worst thing.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #140 on: August 10, 2013, 08:04:07 PM »

this guy just comes across as kind of a know-it-all playground bully to me...


I don\'t get this *at all*. If anything, I found Labbett endearing and dare I say outright respectful. He\'s there to do a job, he\'s doing it, he\'s good at it, and he knows he\'s good at it...and he shows all props in the face of an impressive performance, even if he\'s directly bested by it.


He\'s supposed to be smarmy, but he throws in enough of a wink and a nod and an \"it\'s just a game ultimately\" attitude with it that it doesn\'t bother me in the slightest.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #141 on: August 10, 2013, 08:44:18 PM »

If they\'re flying them in on their dime and taking care of their lodging during their stay (and it doesn\'t sound like they are) maybe.

Chase contestants from out of the area were/are treated fairly well by the network/production company (flights, hotel, per diem), something out of the ordinary for a GSN game.


(Also: I thought Mark came off more approachable or amicable and like a \"good guy\" who just happens to have a brain load of knowledge here than he does in the UK version.)

« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 08:45:47 PM by chad1m »


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #142 on: August 10, 2013, 08:50:58 PM »

Chase contestants from out of the area were/are treated fairly well by the network/production company (flights, hotel, per diem), something out of the ordinary for a GSN game.


Ah. Good on \'em, then. :)

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #143 on: August 11, 2013, 01:24:38 AM »

I think part of the problem is the uncertain make up of the team at the end. Does everyone get $100 a step if Labette catches them? If they do, then you can expect to dole out about $4000-$5000 to a losing team, which is not insignificant to the prize budget. If they don\'t and it\'s split among the team, then what\'s to stop an unscrupulous player from telling his teammates to go balls to the wall in the opening chase, so they can flame out and he can guarantee himself an easy grand if he makes it on his own? (And don\'t think there weren\'t people in the contestant pool for whom that would be a consideration.)
Besides that, it\'s a clumsy resolution for a game that\'s billed as some sort of cranial gladiatorial combat. Oh, sorry, you\'ve been caught and your chase is over. Here\'s $1000.
I think the show did a good enough job going across the country looking for worthy adversaries to the Beast that coddling them with a loser\'s purse isn\'t necessary. Now, if the contestant search was LA-only, knowing fully well that they were serving up fresh mutton for Labette, then I\'d be changing my tune.

For one, it would help your cause to spell his name right.

For two, explain to me why throwing people some money, either to cover their costs or as a consolation, is coddling.

For three, you\'re overreading my \"solution.\" I don\'t care if everyone gets $50 for every question they answer throughout the show, or whatever. I was actually using the idea you put forward, that the team would score some money for every step that the Chaser had to take to catch the team. What\'s the matter with it now?
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #144 on: August 11, 2013, 01:33:06 AM »

What\'s the matter with it now?

It\'s not bootstrappy enough.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #145 on: August 11, 2013, 02:38:00 AM »

If they\'re flying them in on their dime and taking care of their lodging during their stay (and it doesn\'t sound like they are)


They are.


If they aren\'t and they are encouraging out-of-the-area contestants, I don\'t think kicking them a buck or two for their trouble is the worst thing.



How about $300? That was the out-of-town per diem.



For two, explain to me why throwing people some money, either to cover their costs or as a consolation, is coddling.



Because the people who get on this show purport themselves to be trivia whizzes, and a good many of them belong to the subset of quiz nerds who think they\'re entitled to six-figure windfalls because they can smart. I had to share a green room with one of them for six hours. They don\'t want your stinkin\' $100 per right answer, they want $100,000 and the glory that comes with it.


For three, you\'re overreading my \"solution.\" I don\'t care if everyone gets $50 for every question they answer throughout the show, or whatever. I was actually using the idea you put forward, that the team would score some money for every step that the Chaser had to take to catch the team. What\'s the matter with it now? 



That was before I realized that British game show contestants, unlike those out here in general, are generally comped for transportation and lodging for their time.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 02:51:44 AM by Loogaroo »
You're in a room. You're wearing a silly hat.
There are letters on the floor. They spell "NOPE".


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #146 on: August 11, 2013, 02:50:42 AM »

How about $300? That was the out-of-town per diem.

Yeah, I don\'t really have a problem with that. But then, I\'m a filthy socialist.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #147 on: August 11, 2013, 03:13:34 AM »

For two, explain to me why throwing people some money, either to cover their costs or as a consolation, is coddling.

They can do that, but my point is that it shouldn\'t necessarily be part of the game. Let them not have a safety net on stage but have an envelope with a per diem ready backstage if they don\'t succeed.


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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #148 on: August 11, 2013, 06:53:50 AM »


this guy just comes across as kind of a know-it-all playground bully to me...


I don\'t get this *at all*. If anything, I found Labbett endearing and dare I say outright respectful. He\'s there to do a job, he\'s doing it, he\'s good at it, and he knows he\'s good at it...and he shows all props in the face of an impressive performance, even if he\'s directly bested by it.


He\'s supposed to be smarmy, but he throws in enough of a wink and a nod and an \"it\'s just a game ultimately\" attitude with it that it doesn\'t bother me in the slightest.



Well, I\'m willing to accept that I might have just gotten a wrong first impression when I watched it and am going to give it another look in the chance I might have simply been in the wrong state of mind at the time I was watching it and just misread the whole thing...frankly, with where my head has been lately, I wouldn\'t be at all surprised to find this being the case...so, I withdraw my criticism...for now...:)




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The Chase Ordered for GSN, Plus Programs In Development
« Reply #149 on: August 11, 2013, 12:23:32 PM »

Yeah, I don\'t really have a problem with that. But then, I\'m a filthy socialist.

What does that have to do with anything?
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.