...and this question came up: \"The pilot of Wheel of Fortune was known as what?\". No problem, wrote down Shoppers\' Bazaar and turned it in. Because I knew the answer, I was accused of cheating because \"we put one question in that no one would possibly know, and that means you looked it up on your phone.\" Fortunately I was able to convince him that I was not cheating.
Waitasec, was that how the question was worded? Because if so,
Wheel of Fortune could\'ve been a reasonable response since the \'74 pilots led to NBC picking up the show. If it had been something like \"What was the original name of
Wheel of Fortune?\", no ambiguity and only one answer:
Shopper\'s Bazaar (

), whose rejection in \'73 led to the
Wheel pilots.
In all seriousness, the fact that
Shopper\'s Bazaar was the original title of
Wheel has been stated several times on various TV shows, including
Good Morning America just a few days ago...so an accusation of cheating by the host(?) just makes him look bad.