For no reason that I can immediately recall I\'ve been noodling around with the winnings of some of the top drawer players--specifically throwing out their high and low win (from the first five games in some cases), multiplying by five and dividing by three to arrive at their adjusted five-day total (dividing by two for the post-doubling contestants). Here\'s the results:
Officer Frank: $93,828
Jerome Vered: $93,001
Larissa Kelly: $88,830
Ken Jennings: $80,666
Roger Craig: $78,666
Bob Blake: $73,166
Chuck Forrest: $70,500
Chuck Forrest and Jerome Vered lost almost nothing in the averaging: Chuck was consistent through his games, Jerome had a $7,000 win to balance out the $34,000 record. Bob and Frank lost a bundle because one of their wins tied or set a record.