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Author Topic: The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13  (Read 2966 times)


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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« on: May 23, 2013, 02:27:34 AM »

Hey guys, as some of you are well aware, on Monday night I attended \"The Price is Right LIVE\" at the Tennessee Theater in Knoxville.  I had a truly awesome time, and I would like to share the event with you.


First of all, the crowd was HOT for the event.  There was a lot of energy and excitement in the room, and it just made the whole night a lot of fun.  Also, there was a good sized crowd that night.  The entire floor of the theater was full, and it looked like about half to two-thirds of the balcony was filled.  Before the show, they showed a lot of \"play along\" games, and they even showed clips of Aussie Price, Bruce\'s Price is Right, and Anitale el Precio.


The announcer was comedian Andy Martello (who wasn\'t too bad, and had did a great whipping the crowd into a considerable frenzy), and Todd Newton did his usual good job as emcee.


The games played were:

  • Cliff Hangers for an iMac, which had an amazing last step win (this got a big pop from the audience)

  • Hole in One for a new Refrigerator (the lady playing was visibly intoxicated, and Todd had a little fun with that)

  • Punch-a-Bunch (a girl playing won all four punches...and left with $100, the smallest amount)

  • Any Number for a Trip to Las Vegas and a Roomba Vacuum (the woman playing left with the piggy bank)

  • Plinko (the woman playing won $600)

They also did the big wheel twice, and had a $1 win each time.  After each game, two lucky audience members had their names called to win $25 Subway gift cards.  They also offered $200 Amazon gift cards for perfect bids.  During the show, they played a lot of old-school Edd Kalehoff music cues for the prizes, including \"Splendido!\" for the Showcase


Speaking of which, the showcase was done differently.  There were four main prizes:  A popcorn popper, a blu-ray player, a big-screen TV, and a trip to Hollywood + a Nissan Versa.  The showcase round was played as Ten Chances, you got three chances each to price of the first three prizes, and whatever chances you had left you can try to win the trip and the car.  Sad to say, the person they brought up didn\'t win a single prize, so they gave her $250 for her trouble.


The show had some very funny moments as well.  One of the IUFBs was a remote controlled quadricopter that the model crashed and broke during the demonstration.  Also an older woman came up to spin the wheel and announced into Todd\'s Mic that her zipper on her pants had bust.  So Todd whipped off his jacket and wrapped around her waist to keep from embarrassing her.


All in all, though I wasn\'t called on stage, I had a blast.  You can tell that the crew that puts the show together really has a good time, and it was just a lot of fun.  If you get the chance, you need to see this show live, it\'s well worth it.




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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2013, 08:43:34 AM »

So what is the most one can win in the Punch-A-Bunch and Pl!nko games on the live tours?


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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2013, 09:06:02 AM »



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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2013, 12:17:25 PM »


Plinko for $2,500? Oh, that\'s it, I\'m never going. It\'s $50,000 or *nothing* for this guy.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2013, 04:01:14 PM »


Plinko for $2,500? Oh, that\'s it, I\'m never going. It\'s $50,000 or *nothing* for this guy.

It\'s not how you win or lose, it\'s how you go nuts at the mere mention of Plinko!




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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2013, 04:37:31 PM »

Punch-A-Bunch\'s top prize was $5000 at the Price is Right Live event I attended last month.


/Somehow, it didn\'t turn into a game of definitions.

Bryce L.

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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2013, 05:33:16 PM »

If you get picked as a contestant on the Live event, does that affect your eligibility to be a contestant on the actual show?


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The Price is Right LIVE! show report - 5/21/13
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2013, 05:40:11 PM »
If you get picked as a contestant on the Live event, does that affect your eligibility to be a contestant on the actual show?
