NOTHING in TV is set up to be a short term series, especially when (and here\'s a hint kids) it gets replaced by sitcom reruns.
If CBS were happy with the results , for whatever reason, and the ratings were sustainable for profit, TTD would have survived longer than 8 weeks.
EXACTLY! I have never understood how anyone could prescribe to this \"placeholder\" concept that has been mentioned in different situations over the years. If CBS was only concerned with having something to air in those eight weeks between the cancellation of \"PASS THE BUCK\" and the latest upcoming daytime morning run of \"ALL IN THE FAMILY\", I am certain they could have either gotten Bob Stewart to agree to tape an additional eight weeks of PTB episodes with the understanding that the show was still ultimately cancelled to cover the gap or, much more likely than not, renegotiate the agreement that placed \"ALL IN THE FAMILY\" back on the daytime morning schedule to begin airing on July 3rd rather than the previously agreed upon date of September 1, even if that meant AITF might have been in a rare-for-the day situation of having a double run during those eight weeks if M*A*S*H\'s premiere couldn\'t be moved up as well. And even if none of this were possible, CBS would have had MANY very affordable rerun options at their disposal to use as a \"placeholder\" that would have cost them so so much less than what they would have to pay for a brand-new original first-run program.
But, let\'s just say, for the sake of arguement, that the \"placeholder\" concept was actually true and CBS was willing to spend that kind of significant money to fill an early-morning time slot for a mere eight week period...why would a production company want to put the time, effort, talent and expense into creating a quality product that they know will be tossed aside in only a few short weeks, only to be replaced by sitcom reruns that were already airing on the daytime schedule but in a different time slot? I\'m sorry and I don\'t mean to come across as an ass about any of this but, come on, use the miinimum amount of logic necessary and see why none of this \"placeholder\" stuff would have made any sense to anyone involved...