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Author Topic: Will “Hollywood Game Night” be this century’s “Win, Lose or Draw”?  (Read 8409 times)


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Just finished watching the sneak preview NBC.com provided of “Hollywood Game Night”.  The series debuts Thursday night on your local NBC affil.  After viewing just the opening seconds of the online clip – it was hard not to think of “Win, Lose or Draw”.


The original WLoD series, as many of you will recall, was based on a game played in Burt Reynolds\' home.  Originally your basic charades/pantomime game, Fred Astaire preferred to draw images of several soldiers to convey “The Charge of the Light Brigade” to his teammates.  Not long after that, Reynolds discussed this with Bert Convy and production on WLoD commenced later.


As for HGN, as the aforementioned online sneak peek notes, it’s based on *several* games played at Sean Hayes’ home. Heck, even the set for HGN “borrows” at least one concept from WLoD (civilian player and his/her celebrity teammates on a couch, for example).  As for the games within HGN, I’m particularly interested in “Take A Hint” – where each celebrity gives a one-word clue to their civilian.  It’s certainly “Password-esque”.


Overall, HGN looks like tons of fun with tremendous star power.  I should disclose I work at an NBC station.  Even if that were not the case, I wish this series debuted tonight.  But HGN will be worth waiting a few more days.


The original WLoD lasted three seasons in syndication – with two out of the three, concurrently, on NBC’s daytime schedule.  I wish HGN a happier, longer life.


In a related matter, Jane Lynch gives a nod to classic titles we all know, including WLoD, in this Hollywood Reporter article: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/jane-lynch-glee-hollywood-game-night-578711\'>http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/jane-lynch-glee-hollywood-game-night-578711




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I watched the preview clip posted a month or so ago...it seems like a fun game, but the thing I picked up from the clip was that this show is more about the celebrities and/or their projects, not so much the contestant winning. I want to give it a shot, but I\'m going to be turned off if it\'s all about pimping (insert whatever NBC show), and very little focus on everyday people winning some bank.

"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Jimmy Owen

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It\'s gonna be one of those shows that has too much game for non-game show fans and not enough game for game show fans.  In short, no one will be satisfied.  Sorta like \"The Marriage Ref.\"

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 07:03:03 PM by Jimmy Owen »
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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No, \"The Marriage Ref\" just sucked.


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I watched the preview clip posted a month or so ago...it seems like a fun game, but the thing I picked up from the clip was that this show is more about the celebrities and/or their projects, not so much the contestant winning. I want to give it a shot, but I\'m going to be turned off if it\'s all about pimping (insert whatever NBC show), and very little focus on everyday people winning some bank.


As long as they can the pimping to a minimum, I\'ll be OK with it.  


Also, in a promo, I caught a glimpse of a \"Before & After-esque\" game with celebrities\' proper names (\"Maya Rudolph Valentino\" for example; likely not *their* example).

Jamey Greek

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It\'s ironic that The Disney Channel is working on a revival of WLOD


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It\'s ironic that The Disney Channel is working on a revival of WLOD

no , it\'s coincidental.

/ironic is 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.



- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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After watching the trailer a month or to ago, I wasn\'t excited, but now I am somehow.


/ironic is calm down

-William https://www.donorschoose.org/classroom/cpsbermudez
"30 years from now, people won’t care what we’re doing right now." - Bob Barker on The Price is Right, 1983


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No, \"The Marriage Ref\" just sucked.

It existed for one reason and one reason only...the host clearly enjoyed hearing himself say,


\"My name is Tom PAPA!!\"




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  • Rules Constable
In the mid-1970s $25,000 was the biggest prize you could win on a game show if you weren\'t musically inclined. I\'m not saying that tonight\'s winner should play for $500,000, but there\'s food for thought if you\'re still hungry.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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I\'m kinda torn...if it were a daytime or syndicated late night show*, $25,000 would be fine. With them playing light-hearted party games, it works, but I also wouldn\'t scoff at say, $50K, given it\'s a weekly primetime show. $50K at most, given that $25K in 1975 is worth six-figures today...


*I could also see this working in Poker After Dark\'s former slot...

« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 08:53:51 AM by BrandonFG »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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My quick takes without spoiling...


\\ Jane Lynch is a riot.  She kept the show moving while having fun with the civilians and celebs alike.  The number of times I\'ve watched \"Glee\" I can count on one hand -- but I know enough of it to realize Lynch\'s character on that show is a major player.


\\ \"Take A Hint\", from my vantage point, plays a little closer to the old Goodson-Todman show \"Get The Message\" that it does \"Password\".


\\ Overall, an enjoyable way to spend an hour.  It was pleasantly surprising to see \"#GameNight\" as a trending topic on Twitter.


\\ The only gripe I\'d have echoes something BrandonFG brought up: A potential $25K for a nighttime show is awfully low.  In a rather light-hearted game such as HGN, you shouldn\'t play the endgame for millions of dollars -- but playing for up to $50K seems seems more like.  Not life-changing money -- but make a difference money.  Playing for dollars instead of points in the main game might help if a second season is ever in the works (and I have a reasonably good feeling about a second season -- or maybe even a second life in syndication or late night).


Doug\'s rating on HGN...


A E I O ½


(insert four WoF bells here)


...four and a half vowels out of a possible five.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 09:55:14 AM by dmota104 »


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I found the show to be entertaining. Martin Short was a bit of a ham, but doesn\'t every celeb game show have one of those? The star power is impressive. You don\'t see Matthew Perry, Lisa Kudrow or the Hawaii Five-O actor on game shows too often. I say raise the bonus round to $50K and you got a solid format here.


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  • Director of Suck Consolidation

Martin Short was a bit of a ham, but doesn\'t every celeb game show have one of those?


Not one who throws the game over his shoulder in the name of being an attention whore, no.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Martin Short was a bit of a ham, but doesn\'t every celeb game show have one of those?


Not one who throws the game over his shoulder in the name of being an attention whore, no.


This. Martin was not only a ham, he was the whole entire pig. Even during the crucial final round, he was doing his shtick. 

"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."