Don\'t take what I said the wrong way, I was not trying to pile on you or snipe or team up against you, Chris P. You brought up some things and I thought they deserved to be delved into, and you\'re right, the \"screw you\" guy is a world class A-hole and should be mocked as such.
What about a 30-day free trial? A month-to-month is a hassle (and if you\'re living check-to-check, you need to set your priorities right) but I figure most people would know within that month if TVPMM is a thing they want to have access to and to support charitably.
1) it\'s cool. Just had to be on the same page.

2) that could work, a free trial. But I\'m certain that we wouldn\'t expect to see the whole library, right? Would be more of the enticement factor. Like, \"okay we\'ll let you see these but if you subscribe you get THESE\".