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Author Topic: Request: $20K/$25K/$100K Pyramid Category Books  (Read 1704 times)


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Request: $20K/$25K/$100K Pyramid Category Books
« on: August 02, 2013, 06:31:15 AM »

I am wondering if anybody has the category books (with answers) from the home game versions of $20,000, $25,000 and $100,000 Pyramid?


Reason why I ask is because I\'m working on a database for a computer game I am programming as of lately.


Thanks in advance. :)

I am developing classic game show PC games.
If you'd like to find out information about them, PM me anytime.


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Request: $20K/$25K/$100K Pyramid Category Books
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2013, 09:47:27 AM »
1.) I wasn\'t aware there were category books.

2.) Can\'t you buy copies of the game?

3.) Or watch the show that seems to air eleventy times a week on GSN?

4.) When are all these projects going to be finished?
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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Request: $20K/$25K/$100K Pyramid Category Books
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2013, 11:36:16 AM »

1.) I wasn\'t aware there were category books.

2.) Can\'t you buy copies of the game?

3.) Or watch the show that seems to air eleventy times a week on GSN?

4.) When are all these projects going to be finished?

1)  There aren\'t.  With the $10K to $50K versions, all the material is on perforated cards.


2)  But it\'s a lot easier to mooch off the generosity of others!


3)  But it\'s still a lot easier to mooch off the generosity of others!


4)  Octebruary 32, Infinity plus one.


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Request: $20K/$25K/$100K Pyramid Category Books
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2013, 12:05:28 PM »
Some time ago I was working on a game where players had to charade seven items all in the same category within a minute. To gather material I would watch every Pyramid episode I could get my hands on and transcribe the answers. Additionally I would note the Winner\'s Circle topics in case I would ever do something with that, so I have some big text dumps that have all that sort of thing. Whether it would be legal to sell what I\'ve done makes little difference; I\'m not going to give it away just because JonSea is working on another vaporware project.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.