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Author Topic: Tattletales syndicated reruns?  (Read 7028 times)


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Tattletales syndicated reruns?
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2013, 07:40:56 PM »

A more positive story about Dan Enright... despite Les Roberts saying Dan had no sense of humor, there was one occasion that he displayed it. On Play the Percentages, Dan handled the cue cards, as a cost cutting measure. A fair amount of what Geoff said at the start of the show was all written on cue cards, and on one occasion, Geoff was reading through the cue cards faster than Dan could switch the cards. Geoff playfully told Dan, \"Dan, you\'ve got to move the cue cards faster than that.\" The next show, Dan switched the cue cards, and passed the cue cards along to the other staff members, and the cards were literally moving through one end of the studio to the other! Geoff immediately noticed what was going on and lost it! He had the cameras show how the cards were being passed along. 


Here\'s the clip where that very thing happens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HtrHIA-Rk\'>. Look for that moment around 2:30.