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Author Topic: 08.27 TPIR Rerun: Rule Change?  (Read 2216 times)

Esoteric Eric

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08.27 TPIR Rerun: Rule Change?
« on: August 30, 2013, 05:24:47 PM »

...or was I high?  (Coulda been, I was less than 24 hours removed from my 2nd hip replacement this year, watching from my hospital bed.)


Pretty sure it was the 1st Showcase Showdown.  Lowest qualifier spun $1.00.  Then one of the other contestants also spun $1.00.  When (IMO) it should have been time for a Bonus / Spin-off tiebreaker, only the higher qualifier took a bonus spin and advanced to the Showcase.  (ETA: I now have a clear memory of the 1st spinner not being under the scoreboard and wondering, \"why did she exit, she\'s got another spin coming...\")


Did I miss something? (Not Tuesday morning\'s dose of Oxycodone, that\'s for sure!) Or, given the increased bonus values ($10k / $25k of the Carey era vs. $5k / $10k,) was it decided that a lower qualifier\'s $1.00 could be trumped, leaving them $1000 richer but otherwise $crewed?  (Now that I\'m writing this, it\'s reading more and more absurd, esp. since today\'s rerun had a spinoff at $0.80.)


/Released from hospital yesterday, home and hobbling on a walker.  Thx for ask... oh, you didn\'t.

Eric Smallman; "...I don't think God ever forgave me for Phyllis Newman..." - "Jimmy Carter" (Dan Aykroyd), SNL, 1976


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08.27 TPIR Rerun: Rule Change?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 05:51:34 PM »
I just pulled 8/27 from the scrap heap, there was a single $1,000 winner in each half and no bonus spins.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.

Esoteric Eric

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08.27 TPIR Rerun: Rule Change?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 09:49:03 PM »

I just pulled 8/27 from the scrap heap, there was a single $1,000 winner in each half and no bonus spins.

Thanks, Travis.  Cancel yellow alert.

Eric Smallman; "...I don't think God ever forgave me for Phyllis Newman..." - "Jimmy Carter" (Dan Aykroyd), SNL, 1976


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08.27 TPIR Rerun: Rule Change?
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 09:55:14 PM »
Don\'t worry about it, I\'ve been there.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.