To answer JMFabiano\'s question, in terms of the episode that\'s posted on YouTube, there was no mention at all of Leave it to Beaver or Gilligan\'s Island, and this was the third match they played against each other (which may explain why Jerry might be bored) although if I were to guess, there was probably little mention during the previous match as well. Gilligan\'s Island fans know that Tina Louise hated doing \"GI\" (as she would refer to it) and reportedly, was told that the series was about \"a movie star and 6 other castaways on a deserted island\", leading her to believe she would be the focus of the show. To sum it up, she was basically the Robert Reed of the cast, as Robert Reed resented doing The Brady Bunch. Jerry Mathers, on the other hand, had a more positive experience with Leave it to Beaver so at least at that time he had no problem being associated with the show.
One consistent problem with Bullseye throughout the entire run was the pacing. It was just too slow, although later in the run the pacing improved some. I think they should\'ve kept the main game winning at $1000, as playing for $2000 made the game seem a bit long.