I was pleasantly entertained. No, it's not a companion piece to The Chase, but neither is it vacuous. It rewards good, smart play, and leaves open the chance for some gentle teasing when the player screws up. Which, with the pressure of the clock, happens quite a lot. I found it notable how often a player realized his or her mistake too late, but still long before it was pointed out. If you're just interested in the content, it's an easy show to DVR through. There's a lot of down time. Still, if you accept it as a humor program, it's worth catching this Ben Glieb fellow's improvisational flair.
I didn't know much about him, but I was amused to find that his Wikipedia page is one of those low-level celebrity offerings that's written (possibly by the subject) more as a promotional piece. Many VERY tiny credits are included, including the header, which says he was named as a comic on the rise -- in 2007.