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Author Topic: Mindreaders computer game  (Read 8768 times)


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Mindreaders computer game
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2013, 05:23:22 PM »

That is amazing.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Matt Ottinger

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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2013, 05:51:09 PM »

Frankly, I\'m fascinated by this.  There\'s a part of me that wants to think it\'s a put-on.  I have a hard time believing that the only person who knows anything about the existence of something this unusual is a fanboi with an Angelfire website.  There are no other references to it online except the Wikipedia article that uses Ryan\'s original page as its source, and faking 8-bit game screens is apparently something of an art form.  Having said that, if it\'s a fake it\'s a pretty impressive one.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 05:52:10 PM by Matt Ottinger »
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2013, 05:54:36 PM »

He does say that people should contact him if they want a copy of the ROM. It would be interesting to see what would happen if someone actually asked for it. God knows it\'s easy enough to latch onto a C64 emulator.

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2013, 06:58:01 PM »
It\'s 100% fake. I\'d know because, well...I\'m the one who faked it.

I made that page as an April Fools Day joke in 2007, when my site was new. I completely made up the story, and edited screenshots of the TPIR PC game. Once April Fools Day was over, I took down the link and admitted the joke, but never deleted the page itself. I didn\'t expect it to come up again six years later!

I\'ll edit the page to reflect the ROM\'s fictional nature.


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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2013, 07:06:24 PM »
It's 100% fake. I'd know because, well...I'm the one who faked it.
I'll edit the page to reflect the ROM's fictional nature.
You should also link to it from the main page, as Internet Archive surprisingly doesn't have any saved copies of it despite the page being over six-and-a-half years old.

Really good work, though.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 06:08:30 AM by Dan88 »
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« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2013, 07:26:22 PM »

It\'s 100% fake. I\'d know because, well...I\'m the one who faked it.

Impressive, snake. Merry internet Christmas to you, and to all a good trolling.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2013, 07:59:30 PM »

Reading Matt\'s post, it did look like some of the graphics were a little too crisp to be from a 25-year-old game (the title screen mainly). I, too, started thinking that it would\'ve been odd for this game to fly under the radar for so long. So yes, well played...you definitely got me! :-)

"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2013, 08:26:18 PM »

If you\'re willing to go down the rabbit hole a little bit (chiefly, to the Wikia article that references this, but you have to dig a little deeper than that), there\'s some stuff in there that you may find terribly amusing, or frightening, depending. :)

Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Matt Ottinger

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« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2013, 09:50:08 PM »

It\'s 100% fake. I\'d know because, well...I\'m the one who faked it.



I tip my hat to you, sir.




If you\'re willing to go down the rabbit hole a little bit (chiefly, to the Wikia article that references this, but you have to dig a little deeper than that), there\'s some stuff in there that you may find terribly amusing, or frightening, depending. :)


For those of us who may not know exactly how or where to dig, what are we looking for exactly?

This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2013, 10:28:41 PM »



You have been warned, sir. Don\'t expect good writing. Expect lots of cruft. Lots and lots of cruft.


(that should fix it. Oops.)

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 11:05:44 PM by TLEberle »
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2013, 10:52:17 PM »

Travis botched the link pretty good, but I\'m not gonna worry overmuch about being discreet at this point: The section reporting Allstar\'s hoax as fact, according to the history, was added by someone with the handle of \"Gameshowsareforever.\" Looking at his Talk page gets you to http://gameshows.wikia.com/wiki/User_talk:Gameshowsareforever/Hate\'>this discussion, which pegs the WTF meter on its own merits but includes some true gems and blasts from the past at the end, including (but certainly not limited to!) your recommended daily allowance of self-important Benefiber.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 11:17:58 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2013, 11:09:53 PM »

Oh my gravy. I never have to watch another sitcom again; I can just go to the talk page of a (un-self aware) user who dabbles (that\'s a really kind word, because I know there are some people on here who dislike it when I\'m unkind, and I don\'t need the grief) in very specialist subjects.


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« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 11:12:08 PM by TLEberle »
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2013, 11:31:36 PM »
Is Gameshowsareforever also known as JonSea31? Because it sounds like him only much more angry about his autism not being used as a defense. I haven\'t seen that many asterisks used since Chumley Atkins called somebody a whole bunch of self-censored names.

I think I actually feel sorry for Benfield on this one....I mean, hate him or tolerate him, that\'s just unnecessary.

And I don\'t know what I find more disturbing: the anti-Steve Harvey rant or the fact that there\'s a Carly Rae Jepsen Wiki.
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

“We’re game show fans. ‘Weird’ comes with the territory.” - Matt Ottinger, 2022


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« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2013, 04:18:50 AM »

Thank you guys for your kind words; I had a blast making that page! :)


Is Gameshowsareforever also known as JonSea31? Because it sounds like him only much more angry about his autism not being used as a defense.


There was a user on the GSN boards named patnvanna83...these remind me of him. He had a pretty lousy temper that eventually got him banned.