David Levinson Wilk, who spent nine years writing for Millionaire and was one of approximately eleven zillion writers for the Million Second Quiz writes about game show writing in an http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/04/secrets-of-a-game-show-writer/?_r=1\'>essay on the New York Times website. The stuff he shares aren\'t exactly \"secrets\", especially to anybody who writes at even a semi-professional level (like me!) but there are some good points, mostly about the importance of making a game show question interesting. That\'s probably the flaw I see most often in bar-trivia level game writing.
I recently scored a gig as a game show writer, and this article was a pretty decent pep talk. Excellent read...thank you for sharing it!
Wilk, in addition to being a terrific and tireless writer, was one of the nicest guys to have around during MSQ. That\'s not to suggest that everybody on the team wasn\'t terrific, but he was in particular a sweetheart. Great to see this article.