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Author Topic: Truthful Hosts  (Read 7421 times)


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Truthful Hosts
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2013, 07:42:09 AM »

DoorNumberFour- Yeah I think One on One was fine, considering it gave more time to know the truth about one of the imposters. However, this version of One on One also cut away time for the regular games. On one hand, Robin didn\'t have a lot of time to converse with the panel, but on the other hand, the impression I got of Robin Ward was that he seemed uncomfortable and wanted to get the show overwith. They also seemed to have some issues with the staging, considering the introduction of the panel. Having them enter from the clamshell doors was fine, but they also had them enter from behind the front wall, which was awkward because the panelists didn\'t always come out when being introduced. Alan Kalter had to say \"Nipsey Russell.... Nipsey!\" 


It may seem that hosting TTTT doesn\'t require much effort, but the role of the host should expand beyond reading the affadavit, keeping track of who\'s turn it is to question, and asking one or two questions to the real person. 


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Truthful Hosts
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2013, 02:55:14 PM »


However, having the panel and contestants enter through \"clamshell\" shaped doors (although they also experimented with the panel coming out from behind a wall, and also having the panel already standing behind the desk at the intro.) looked awkward to me. 


I know the panel was standing behind the desk whenever Cullen was on, but he didn\'t do it that often. Once Blockbusters started, he stayed in CA. Also, with Bill, Peggy and Kitty, they never had the three of them on the same week. They may have done that on purpose.