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Author Topic: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread  (Read 547329 times)


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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #210 on: October 11, 2016, 08:50:39 PM »
I must admit the third round (TV's Craig cluegiver round) has me scrating my head. I'm attaching the rule sheet - https://cdn.shptrn.com/media/mfg/1725/media_document/9144/7421_CNG_RULES.pdf?1467327262 - and see if it makes sense to you.

It sounds like you should forget everything you know about the TV show's third round. To appease the rules sheet, there should be two cluegivers talking over one another to convey the same name, with two receivers (one from each team) trying to make sense of the noise while shouting out their answers over one another. If you can figure out which receiver gives the correct answer first, they get the chip.

(The "one at a time" in the rules refers to alternating receivers in the event of a team having more than two total players. It doesn't refer to the act of cluegiving. I agree that that sentence was not written as clearly as it could have been.)


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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #211 on: October 11, 2016, 08:53:48 PM »
I see something like that, I wait for it to be marked down to $4.99 at whatever local store, chuck the rule sheet and then play as close to the TV game show format as possible, or for groups where Time's Up! is routinely a hurdle too high to jump over, to use it for Name Burst.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 09:04:00 PM by TLEberle »
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The Ol' Guy

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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #212 on: October 11, 2016, 09:36:04 PM »
The third round CNG wording would indeed be better if it just stated that the round is over when all the names on the card have been guessed. One other thing about the CNG rules - I'm not spotting any specific rules or examples on clue giving. I guess they assume every purchaser or recipient has seen the show and knows the rules. If the rules don't say I'll have to throw out a name if I accidentally say part of the name, one would think that anything goes. Even if you're pretty sure of the rules, it doesn't hurt to have them down in print for reference sake. Appreciated Chris' info and clarifications. Let me put up a personal example to explain my question - I'm currently trying to shop a trivia/party project where the answers to approximately 30 questions in one complete game round have answers starting with specific letter groupings. At this point I have prepared material for 50 complete games. In doing my research, I could possibly come up with 50 more sets. So the question I'm dealing with is - if we get to this average game being played 25 times, there's still more than enough material to give a customer a value for the eventual price, and should the game get red hot, we just, like Password or the like, put out a second edition instead of putting 100 games worth of material out there the first time. Since a lot of money goes into the first run of any game, using only 50 complete sets of questions would take some of the pressure off the costs of the first run. If enough of the public wants more, we make new editions.


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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #213 on: October 11, 2016, 10:48:02 PM »
At this point I have prepared material for 50 complete games. In doing my research, I could possibly come up with 50 more sets. So the question I'm dealing with is - if we get to this average game being played 25 times, there's still more than enough material to give a customer a value for the eventual price, and should the game get red hot, we just, like Password or the like, put out a second edition instead of putting 100 games worth of material out there the first time. Since a lot of money goes into the first run of any game, using only 50 complete sets of questions would take some of the pressure off the costs of the first run. If enough of the public wants more, we make new editions.

Or, you edit your material down by half to make sure you're putting out the best quality stuff, or you already have the first expansion in your pocket if the game is a hit.

I certainly wouldn't stop you if you are including 50 games worth of content because you want to cover all bases, but I think if you worked the numbers between "X + Y copies with lots of material" or "X copies with the first 25 games of really good material, plus X copies of Expansion One", you'd find you're giving away too much of the house in doing so.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

The Ol' Guy

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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #214 on: October 12, 2016, 12:24:15 AM »
Thanks again, Chris. Just stumbled into the Parker Brothers Jeopardy of some time back, and on the cover - 48 games. This project has been a lot of work (writing it solo), and certainly don't want what a company might consider insufficient material to be a stumbling block. Interesting - three "no" responses so far, but two firms have given me improvement tips that would be helpful, especially if I were to self-publish. We'll just keep at it.


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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #215 on: October 13, 2016, 04:08:48 PM »
The game Rapid Response from Ideal/Fundex uses a gizmo that looks like the Mousetrap to keep time, but the jist of the game is the winner's circle. The only annoying thing is that it comes with 84 cards for 168 topics. I'm probably going to chuck everything and use the scoring rules from Tie One On/Paired Up to play, but I really really wish that even for ten bucks that they gave us more content.
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Bob Zager

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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #216 on: October 14, 2016, 02:45:12 PM »
The Go! store that just opened near my work, now has the FF Card Games with Disney and Marvel themed material.  They each had a price of $9.99, but I won't be surprised if they go on sale, or even pop-up at other stores for less.  I just saw a listing for each game at amazon.com, but the seller is asking for about $35 each!

Here's what they look like:



BTW, while in ToysRUs the other day, I spotted two interesting products; Giant UNO Cards (from Cardinal Industries), and a game called Punderdome deluxe edition (dubbed as being "Based on the Renowned Live Game Show").  I've seen Punderdome in Barnes and Noble before, but this deluxe edition is exclusively at TRU.




I would guess that the Giant UNO Cards are about the size of the cards used on both versions of Gambit.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 09:56:28 AM by Bob Zager »


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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #217 on: October 15, 2016, 12:01:20 AM »

BTW, while in ToysRUs the other day, I spotted two interesting products; Giant UNO Cards (from Cardinal Industries), and a game called Punderdome deluxe edition (dubbed as being "Based on the Renowned Live Game Show").  I've seen Punderdome in Barnes and Noble before, but this deluxe edition is exclusively at TRU.




I would guess that he Giant UNO Cards are about the size of the cards used on both versions of Gambit.

Boss Lady wants an UNO deck for her preschoolers; that looks perfect.

Actual Gambit cards are 9 1/2 inches by 12 3/4 inches.  Trust me.

Bob Zager

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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #218 on: October 16, 2016, 03:36:32 PM »
I still haven't found the "Travel," or "Deluxe," Jeopardy games in any store, but I stumbled across a "Travel," version available on eBay, and it showed the description and graphics on the bottom its box:


You'll notice they have the wrong year for which the show premiered.

Bob Zager

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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #219 on: October 20, 2016, 08:15:12 PM »
Yesterday, the Go Games store in my area finally had the "Platinum" Family Feud from Cardinal.  The actual box cover is different than shown at the various websites (including their own).  The large caption "PLATINUM EDITION" is at the top edge, and the phone app reference graphic still appears in the lower right hand corner, but with the US series logo (the prototype box art shows the Australian show's logo).

I later took a look inside Kohl's, and found Cardinal's "Disney Family Feud," Card Game, in a tin box, the size of EG's old Quick Picks games.

Bob Zager

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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #220 on: November 06, 2016, 04:02:43 PM »
Since my last post in this topic, Kohls also had a tin boxed version of the regular Family Feud card game from Cardinal Industries.

Also, while shopping at a local Dollar Tree store, they had the "Strikeout Card Game" version from Endless Games, containing only 47 cards, plus the "X," cards for only $1.00!

Five Below now has Cardinal's Disney and Marvel themed FF card games for $5 each.


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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #221 on: November 14, 2016, 12:32:47 AM »
I'm always on the lookout for games that are either similar to game shows or evoke the feeling of a game show. I was in a teacher supply store and saw something called "Mini Mouth," a spin off from Smart Mouth. One player turns over a handful of the 26 letter tiles and players race to come up with a word that contains all of the letters. It's a teeny tiny package and in the $10 range, but you could do the same if you find a copy of Upwords at a thrift store like I did.
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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #222 on: November 14, 2016, 10:40:58 AM »
I'm always on the lookout for games that are either similar to game shows or evoke the feeling of a game show.

Then allow me to suggest.
"You're never ready, just less unprepared."

Bob Zager

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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #223 on: November 27, 2016, 02:57:51 PM »
Here's a look at some of the stuff I'd mentioned previously:

Family Feud card game from Cardinal--available at Kohls: http://media.kohlsimg.com/is/image/kohls/2689650?wid=500&hei=500&op_sharpen=1

Family Feud Disney card game from Cardinal--available at Kohls:  http://media.kohlsimg.com/is/image/kohls/2689658?wid=500&hei=500&op_sharpen=1

I've finally seen, but not yet bought, the new FOURTH edition of WOF, from Pressman.  Most of the retailers picturing the game, are showing a slightly different box, but here's a shot of the actual box, from an eBay listing:  http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/81sAAOSwal5YLLWG/s-l1600.jpg

From the copy I'd seen (at Go! Games and Toys), the cardboard spinner wheel, still shows "Free Spin," but has "Free Play," tokens, probably because the picture was shot before actual production of the product.  There are now 100 puzzles, instead of 96 (just one more game's worth!)

Although the original Pressman and Milton Bradley versions included the circular WOF logo in a small image, down in a corner, I like how they have finally used it in large type!


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Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
« Reply #224 on: November 27, 2016, 03:48:31 PM »
The uneven lettering in the Wheel cover art puzzleboard design is making me twitchy.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."