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Author Topic: Richard Osman hosts new BBC quiz show  (Read 3270 times)


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Re: Richard Osman hosts new BBC quiz show
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2014, 12:55:29 PM »
Holy crap--Richard's lips look TERRIBLE in that photo. I hope this show is sponsored by Blistex.
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Re: Richard Osman hosts new BBC quiz show
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2014, 01:03:11 PM »
That's a lot of work when they could do what Survivor does: put a bunch of red and blue disks in a bag and have people draw. Why bother to have the players undergo personality interrogations when they're just going to shuffle after each round?

Everything that makes Survivor interesting and watchable and exciting is missing here. A team wins (yay!) and one team loses (boo!) the team that loses gets acrimonious and holier-than-thou about it and eventually they must atone for their loss with much hilarity as everyone tries to shovel the manure onto the head of another teammate until Uncle Jeff puts a stop to it and they vote.

Weakest Link sort of captured that and got the whole second half of Survivor done in an hour, but I don't get the point here.
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Re: Richard Osman hosts new BBC quiz show
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2014, 01:14:57 PM »
If Frankie Goes To Hollywood isn't used for the theme music, I riot.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Don Howard

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Re: Richard Osman hosts new BBC quiz show
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2014, 04:04:44 PM »
Richard's lips look TERRIBLE in that photo.

I think they look rather kissable. Pucker up, baby. SWAK!

Brig Bother

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Re: Richard Osman hosts new BBC quiz show
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2014, 04:51:50 PM »
That's a lot of work when they could do what Survivor does: put a bunch of red and blue disks in a bag and have people draw. Why bother to have the players undergo personality interrogations when they're just going to shuffle after each round?

But where's the comedy value in that? The personality questions will have been designed for Osman to have some comedy with the contestants, which is a large part of Pointless' appeal - and it will need to be funny otherwise everyone watching will start whinging when the team numbers aren't even. The format is as prosaic as it comes, but its going to be half an hour and likely low stakes (£1000 maybe £2000) and if it's couched right will still probably do OK.


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Re: Richard Osman hosts new BBC quiz show
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2014, 04:06:24 PM »
everyone watching will start whinging when the team numbers aren't even.
Won't that be the case right from the get go, though? Seven contestants is hard to split evenly. God knows I've tried.
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