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Author Topic: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations  (Read 24224 times)


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2014, 02:30:20 PM »
Also, I make Flash games sometimes to play at bars and stuff. Just to stay on topic.
That reminds me, I liked your "Drop The Bomb" game so much, I ripped it off adapted it for a multiple-player physical game using some customizable dice and the electronic Trivial Pursuit handheld.

I adapted it for a multiple-player physical game too: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/drop-the-bomb along with the rules: https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.thegamecrafter.com/1408559649/Drop-the-Bomb-Rules.pdf
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 02:34:54 PM by pacdude »


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2014, 02:30:33 PM »
It's not a major modification, but I'm adding Box 23 to my copy of UK Deal or No Deal.  The game came with 24 boxes, so designating one of the two extras as Box 23 isn't hard.  Ultimately, I'd like to have a normal box 23 and the modified one used during Deal's Summer Party week a few weeks back (Double, +£20,000, Half, Quarter, Nothing).

I used three d20s for Bullseye, with each of two d20s representing the upper windows (1-5 would be increasing amounts for category 1, 6-10 would be the amounts for category 2, and so on).  The remaining d20 would be the contract window--1-3 would be 1 question, 4-7 is 2 questions, 8-11 3 questions, 12-15 4 questions, 16-18 5 questions, 19 and 20 are bullseyes.

Points to Jake for mentioning Bezzerwizzer.


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2014, 02:38:34 PM »
If you'd like to do a 24-Hour Game Show Marathon, e-mail me at cory@pacdudegames.com and show me you can do it without my help. We're open to growing it as long as it meets our standards.
Did you ask the original British creators of the 24 Hour Panel People show if your idea met their standards? You said that you can't copyright the name or concept, so how is it your call as to whether or not someone else has your group's permission to do it?
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2014, 02:50:47 PM »
Did you ask the original British creators of the 24 Hour Panel People show if your idea met their standards? You said that you can't copyright the name or concept, so how is it your call as to whether or not someone else has your group's permission to do it?

He's saying, legally, no, he can't stop them. However, if they want to be affiliated with his group (and ostensibly that implies some offering of shared resources) they will need to get his group's blessing.

If some dick wants to steal his design work and his logos and stuff and use it for their own thing, yeah, they could probably do that. But they'd still be a dick. Don't be a dick.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2014, 02:57:51 PM »
If you'd like to do a 24-Hour Game Show Marathon, e-mail me at cory@pacdudegames.com and show me you can do it without my help. We're open to growing it as long as it meets our standards.
Did you ask the original British creators of the 24 Hour Panel People show if your idea met their standards? You said that you can't copyright the name or concept, so how is it your call as to whether or not someone else has your group's permission to do it?

You know what, Travis? You're absolutely right. Andrew can go and create a 24-Hour Game Show Marathon if he'd like. We were inspired by 24-Hour Panel People and made it our own: more games, less panel shows, more game shows. And we did it for three years in a row, raising more money and getting better at this bullshit as we went along. And it's not my call if someone wants to do likewise. And considering all the support we've gotten for the past three years from this place, I should have known better than to have been protective of the name of the work that I'm proud of doing. It's not like searching 24-Hour Game Show Marathon on google brings up my event or anything.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 09:12:42 PM by RobertSearcy »


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2014, 03:00:00 PM »
If some dick wants to steal his design work and his logos and stuff and use it for their own thing, yeah, they could probably do that. But they'd still be a dick. Don't be a dick.
And I'm not suggesting that our game show fan from the Great White North take the various and sundry art and sound stuff, because that would be High Dickery. But he could call it All Night Games or something else, and that's the end of it.

/so many names for tribute bands, so little time and so few hotel rooms to trash.
//I'm well beyond the point that I can stay up all night anyway, I'm the last person who will be doing 24 Hour Anything.
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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2014, 03:05:13 PM »
I'm really getting tired of this notion that I'm trying to drive people away from the board--it's false and it's libelous. So cut it the hell out.

I was responding to a point made in an earlier post in the thread and trying to clarify the issue. You're the one who flew off the handle when the shaky legal ground was mentioned. As you'll see, I wasn't recommending that anyone steal your property or brand (NB: I've donated money and quiz material to your outfit for no reason other than to help out a cause I believe in). So chill out there, guy.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2014, 03:11:50 PM »
Whether you intended to drive anyone away from this board is up for debate. Whether you are is, at least in my case, verifiable. The way you presented yourself was in a veiled attack on the legitimacy of what I tried to do, whether or not you intended it to be. I put in far too much hard work to get shit on by you.


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2014, 03:21:05 PM »
Many moons ago, I took a WOF game for the PC and updated it, using only MS Paint.  This game still featured "Vanna" walking across the stage, turning letters around.  The TV show had just recently updated to the monitor wall.

I got into the various files (.gifs, if I remember correctly ... may have been .jpgs) and inserted "monitors" where there had been trilons.  When playing, the blank spaces remained green with the WOF logo, just as on the show.  Each "active" trilon/monitor turned off-white as the lights came on.  And I changed the font to match what's used in the show.

It worked really well!  "Vanna"'s hand would sweep across the former trilon, and the new "monitor" would flash with the revealed letter.


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2014, 03:32:49 PM »
It worked really well!  "Vanna"'s hand would sweep across the former trilon, and the new "monitor" would flash with the revealed letter.

I love little hacks like that. BUNCHA years ago there was a shareware logic game I enjoyed called "Marple." (It's since been done for iOS.). One of the perks for registering it was that they gave you a whole ton of different skins for the game tiles. I put two and two together and hacked  the "empty space" tile into a Pyramid trilon. (Don't get me wrong, your hack is way better. :))
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2014, 04:25:09 PM »
Many moons ago, I took a WOF game for the PC and updated it, using only MS Paint.  This game still featured "Vanna" walking across the stage, turning letters around.

Was that the GameTek WOF that used only four colors?


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2014, 06:08:14 PM »
I wasn't happy with the handful of games in the 86MB TPiR game so I made dozens of extra pricing game boards. Some of them have moving parts (a slot to insert the Credit Card, a Grand Game slider, etc).

They turned out as well as you'd expect from someone with no computer (we're talking late 80s here) & no artistic ability what-so-ever.
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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2014, 12:32:39 AM »
I went into Five Below and saw they had Trivial Pursuit's "Bet You Know It" edition from a couple years back for $5. Looking it over, I had a light bulb go off, and bought two sets. That gives me 300 single-category, multiple-question cards, display holders for 8 cards (or, for my needs, 6) at a time, scoring chips,
I love the feel, sound and numbering of the chips from that game and keep my eye out for it while at a thrift store. I was overcome with glee when I found it on a recent trip. I took the chips, a stack of cards from various games, several cards from Skip-bo, and cobbled together a facsimile of a German game that is best described as Scattergories meets Spades.

Having access to a copier at work and lots of cardstock of my own I ran the Winner's Circle games from the Endless $25,000 Pyramid through and cut them into individual cards. (This was quite a lot of work, but not as much as I thought it might have been) I took those and a bunch of money chips from Meeple Source and created a Winner's Circle relay race game that played decently given that most of my family isn't really familiar with the finer points of the show.

I'd love to know more about this Winner's Circle relay race game of yours, Travis. Sounds like fun! How was it played and did it have the Pyramid-esque restrictions in play (You know...give only a list, no prepositional phrases, yada cubed).


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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2014, 01:25:55 AM »
Divide the group into teams, whoever is giving has one minute to convey the subjects to team members one at a time, after a right answer, pass or foul the clue giver then plays with the next partner down the line, and so on. Since there's a stack of cards there's no guarantee that they'll get harder and increase in value along the way, or you might get a murderer's row of top boxes one after the other. Correct answers score the value on the card (and this is where Endless "shines", they chose poorly for more than a few valuations), a pass or violation deducts that value from the total for that turn. The team wins however much money they scored in net for that turn, or the opponents get whatever was owed due to passes if the clue giver went in the hole. After everyone has a go clue giving the team that piled up more money wins the game.

I did have to ease up on the fouls because the other players weren't as devoted fans as I am, and I let some things go because I have enough problems with my family being a stick-in-the-mud, I don't need to be the party game hardass as well. I think it would be an awesome game with a group of veteran players.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 01:33:45 AM by TLEberle »
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Re: Home Game Expansions, Modifications, and/or Creations
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2014, 03:39:14 AM »
Many moons ago, I took a WOF game for the PC and updated it, using only MS Paint.  This game still featured "Vanna" walking across the stage, turning letters around.

Was that the GameTek WOF that used only four colors?

I did have the GameTek WOF ... but I also had a couple of others, and I don't remember the one I hacked having only four colors.  It looked fairly realistic for the time.  The players didn't look like cartoons.  But it was a long time ago, so my memory is foggy.  That may have been it.