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Author Topic: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend  (Read 18212 times)

Matt Ottinger

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Re: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2014, 09:16:36 PM »
Matt O--would you say Nielsen was a friggin' clown in Airplane! or not until Naked Gun, when Drebin became a doofus?

Everything begins with Airplane!

/Provided you've never seen Kentucky Fried Movie.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Re: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2014, 06:51:33 PM »
/Provided you've never seen Kentucky Fried Movie.

It's a shame they didn't do a game show bit in that, although they did give us "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble," so I can't be too let down.


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Re: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2014, 07:00:12 PM »
Did anybody check the show out yet? Any thoughts?
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Re: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2014, 10:10:25 PM »
Did anybody check the show out yet? Any thoughts?

I checked it out, and here's what confused me. The show double runs in my area on Saturday afternoons, and the 1PM episode was hosted by Mark L. Walberg, but the 1:30PM episode had a different host, Jay Flats. Huh? Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I actually remember reading somewhere that Mark was brought in after some episodes had already been taped - anyone know for sure?

As for the show itself, it's about as low-budget as anything could be, but I've seen way worse.


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Re: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2014, 08:46:19 AM »
It captured all the excitement of a three-hour plane ride without a beverage cart. Low stakes to be sure, but the low budget all around kills them. There are more cameras in the Cash Cab. If a better production company did this, they'd insist on knocking out a couple of rows of seats.

The games are dreadfully dull. One round was Winner Take All with half the sound effects. Another managed to be Card Sharks without the strategy. Granted, Cash Cab isn't mind-blowing game play, either, but it takes advantage of the situation. Game Plane doesn't.

It showed how good Mark Wahlberg is, though. He gets you through the half hour.


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Re: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2014, 09:32:43 PM »
Did anybody check the show out yet? Any thoughts?

I checked it out, and here's what confused me. The show double runs in my area on Saturday afternoons, and the 1PM episode was hosted by Mark L. Walberg, but the 1:30PM episode had a different host, Jay Flats. Huh? Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I actually remember reading somewhere that Mark was brought in after some episodes had already been taped - anyone know for sure?

As for the show itself, it's about as low-budget as anything could be, but I've seen way worse.

When "Game Plane" was brought to NATPE for consideration earlier this year, the "sizzle reel" the show provided featured Jay Flats (a comic who has done audience warmup for "DWTS" and "American Idol", as well as an "arena host" for Los Angeles Kings hockey games) as emcee. 

BuzzerBlog noted in July that Walberg was "replacing the initial host" for the fall, but it didn't go further than that ...


To be honest, the Walberg announcement was probably the first most of us heard that the show was actually premiering in the fall, let alone existed.  Up until a few weeks ago, online searches about the show proved futile -- outside of the sizzle reel and BuzzerBlog article, the only other article I could find was a short piece from a Shreveport TV station in May about a "Game Plane" episode being filmed ...




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Re: "The Game Plane" with Mark L. Walberg to debut this weekend
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2014, 06:25:10 AM »
Did anybody check the show out yet? Any thoughts?

according to their website, it airs on KEYE-TV here in Austin TX Saturday night.  It didn't air as advertised, and a search of the program guide doesn't show it airing at all.