I agree; I think it's gotten a whole lot better as well. I remember watching it last summer (there really wasn't anything else on, so I watched all the eps.) and then comparing it to now, and the show has definitely gotten a lot better in its execution.
However, there are still some things that have to be improved. For example, how many 20-somethings are there? If game shows are supposed to represent the population, why not get a 30-something or even a 40-something? Also, can't they get one guy who doesn't look like he's on steroids or one girl who can't be the next Christie Brinkley?
Brooke's hosting is definitely improved over last year (she actually is getting off the cue cards a little bit), and I love the fact that she actually has tried some of the stunts at the top of the show. One thing I keep wondering: do they tell the contestants that they can't push or take her into the water upon celebration of a win? I was thinking along the lines of what they used to do on Double Dare with Marc; kids/families, especially later on, used to take him and dunk him in slime, water, etc. IMO, her outfits are skimpy enough, so I don't think they'd reveal anymore than is already showing when she's dry!

However, unlike lots of people, I don't have that much of a problem with the final round. I really don't care who wins; I mainly watch it to see which contestant(s) get to be jackass(es) of the week, and it's ESPECIALLY funny when they act like they know what they're doing and then say something so ridiculously wrong that you wonder how they ever got through high school?
But, yeah, that's my opinion on \"Dog Eat Dog.\" The ratings, BTW, are a little down from last year and still losing to that crap kid spinoff of \"Idol,\" but don't be surprised if we see it again next summer.