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Author Topic: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures  (Read 36578 times)


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2014, 11:02:01 PM »
No, Kevin Prather. I will not leave this forum permanently. I am staying right here.

Oh Vahalla Nasarocketship! You always know how to crack me up. Thanks, buddy!

In an effort to give some tangible advice in regards to the illicit Youtube videos, yank 'em. They were fun while they lasted, but in reality they aren't yours. In the end you get to keep your Google account and you don't have to deal with the aforementioned buffoon whining at you about airdates to your Youtube videos. Win/win!
*Indecipherable screaming*


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2014, 11:14:54 PM »
In an effort to give some tangible advice in regards to the illicit Youtube videos, yank 'em. They were fun while they lasted, but in reality they aren't yours. In the end you get to keep your Google account and you don't have to deal with the aforementioned buffoon whining at you about airdates to your Youtube videos. Win/win!

Yes, Vahan, take them down.  It isn't worth the headache.  Plus you'll feel better for doing the right thing.  Just think, this could be the first step toward you turning a new leaf and conducting yourself in a matter more in line with this board.


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2014, 11:40:37 PM »
No, Kevin Prather. I will not leave this forum permanently. I am staying right here.

There are exactly three people who are in a position to make this decision. Kevin Prather and Vahan Nisanian are not among them.


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2014, 12:06:15 AM »
You people are acting like a bunch of TPIR fans. I've deleted a page worth of claptrap here.

It's the frickin Gong Show. At the end of the day, Sony owns the copyright. Sony has already had your content blocked. What you do from here is between you and YouTube.

Whatever happened to the video where the guy went ballistic because Stan played a TPIR losing cue that he didn't like?


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2014, 01:07:31 AM »
Whatever happened to the video where the guy went ballistic because Stan played a TPIR losing cue that he didn't like?

Deleted by the author. All that's left is a screencap of thumbnails for posterity:


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2014, 10:08:46 AM »
Oh my goodness that is a red face...


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2014, 01:53:45 PM »
Brett down there has the right idea.
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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2014, 01:58:10 PM »
Was that the same guy who referred to the losing horns as the "fail fanfare?"
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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2014, 02:51:36 AM »
Brett down there has the right idea.

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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2014, 05:24:10 AM »
Somebody musta been a fan of Replay Converter.

Folks, this is why I don't videotape myself and upload it to YouTube. Because without makeup, I'm that scary looking. If not worse.
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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2014, 01:58:23 PM »
Hey, I can wax sanctimonious as much as anyone about theft of intellectual property, respecting copyright, etc.

But that would make me a hypocrite. Why? Because I've done my share (not that much, admittedly) of uploading onto YouTube stuff that waren't mine.

And what's more, I don't hesitate to watch YouTube videos of material where copyright has obviously been breached. (I chuckle whenever someone uploads something, then says in the description, "I own nothing" or "No copyright infringement intended," like that's going to give them immunity.)

In short, I regard copyright the way I do traffic laws - I'm officially in favor of obeying them, but have been known to break them "accidentally on purpose" from time to time. If caught, I own up - but that doesn't stop  me from making "exceptions" now and again. And, to be honest, I don't expect to stop anytime soon.

So sue me. (You, not the copyright holder - they might actually have a case.)


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2014, 02:53:16 AM »
But that would make me a hypocrite. Why? Because I've done my share (not that much, admittedly) of uploading onto YouTube stuff that waren't mine.

Ah, but herein lies the difference: you are at least aware that what you are doing is in violation of YouTube's TOS and choose to take the risk anyhow. (I almost said "is wrong," but the entire point of this is that it's flat against YouTube's rules without making a judgment one way or the other as to the moral issues.) We have people in this thread who can't even get THAT through their thick skulls.

And what's more, I don't hesitate to watch YouTube videos of material where copyright has obviously been breached.

I fail to see anything wrong with this, ever. (At least with regard to YouTube.) It's not on the viewer to have to know is what they are seeing is there legally or not. It's about the uploaders.
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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2014, 02:53:53 PM »
However risky or illegal it may be, I always appreciate the effort put forth by the uploaders. I love finding an obscurity from my childhood, or something I've only read about and never expecting in a million years.

That said, I realize that when it's gone, it's gone. If only more people took that approach.
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-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2014, 03:24:53 PM »
However risky or illegal it may be, I always appreciate the effort put forth by the uploaders. I love finding an obscurity from my childhood, or something I've only read about and never expecting in a million years.

That said, I realize that when it's gone, it's gone. If only more people took that approach.

Well said. YouTube is definitely the place to find all that and more. Although I wish that one of my favorite WoF clips (a Christmas episode with the puzzle "SLEIGH BELLS RING ARE YOU LIST'NIN'") was still up as I enjoy watching it each year, but alas, it's gone.


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2014, 07:00:42 PM »

That said, I realize that when it's gone, it's gone. If only more people took that approach.

Monty Hall will come out of retirement full time to replace Wayne Brady on LMAD before that happens, sadly.
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