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Author Topic: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures  (Read 36618 times)

Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #45 on: December 10, 2014, 11:35:16 PM »
BBTV (BroadbandTV Corp) is a 3rd Party whose business model is largely "Hey, you, media companies!  You guys own all this stuff but don't have the time or interest to monetize your own content or to track down *others* using your intellectual property?  Tell us what you own, and pay us, and we'll take care of it.  Companies (Sony and Fremantle both are clients) pay them, and tell them what they'd specifically like done, and BBTV makes it happen. 

In some cases that means monetizing the videos themselves - the video stays up, Sony gets a royalty check, and BBTV makes cash on the side.  In other cases, that means the videos coming down entirely leaving the original IP holder free to pursue their own monetization and distribution. The only things, from my own experiences early this year, where the "take it down entirely" concept came into play was with full episodes of Wheel and Jeopardy.  In virtually every other case, the rightsholders have left the videos up, and simply chosen to monetize it themselves.

And really, think about it. They get to sit back, let us as game show fans continue to share the content we're passionate about (within reason), and in exchange they get to serve ads and collect the royalty money.  We get the content, they get the money.  It's as close to an "everyone wins" scenario as you can get in this situation.  No, you can't upload 1,342 episodes of Wheel of Fortune.  But got an awesome clip, or maybe an old 80s episode, or you were a contestant? Go for it.   Want to share episodes and clips from the harder-to-monetize back catalog (hello, Gong Show)?  By all means. 

Unless the notices came concurrent with a takedown (which, as I've said, has been the exception rather than the rule), your video stays live, you still get to share it. They just get the cash.  If you upload their content, you've infringed on their copyrights. Heck, i used to do it extensively too. and knew damn well what I was doing.  And when Sony/Fremantle brought in BBTV to actively use their IP?  Enjoy your money, you guys.   It's their content ("Fair Use" my ass" - anyone who claims that needs to be punched), if they want to make money off of our passion for their shows, more power to them.

Jimmy Owen

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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2014, 04:59:17 AM »
Ironic that YouTube monetizes some of the copyright-infringing videos with a commercial prior to people being able to see them.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2014, 09:43:06 AM »
Ironic that YouTube monetizes some of the copyright-infringing videos with a commercial prior to people being able to see them.
Where do you think that money goes, most of the time?


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #48 on: December 11, 2014, 10:59:46 AM »
BBTV (BroadbandTV Corp) is a 3rd Party whose business model is largely "Hey, you, media companies!  You guys own all this stuff but don't have the time or interest to monetize your own content or to track down *others* using your intellectual property?  Tell us what you own, and pay us, and we'll take care of it.  Companies (Sony and Fremantle both are clients) pay them, and tell them what they'd specifically like done, and BBTV makes it happen. 

In some cases that means monetizing the videos themselves - the video stays up, Sony gets a royalty check, and BBTV makes cash on the side.  In other cases, that means the videos coming down entirely leaving the original IP holder free to pursue their own monetization and distribution. The only things, from my own experiences early this year, where the "take it down entirely" concept came into play was with full episodes of Wheel and Jeopardy.  In virtually every other case, the rightsholders have left the videos up, and simply chosen to monetize it themselves.

That reminds me a nice article I read regarding the FremantleMedia-BBTV relationship I read earlier this year:

Joe Mello

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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #49 on: December 11, 2014, 04:29:29 PM »
That reminds me a nice article I read regarding the FremantleMedia-BBTV relationship I read earlier this year:
Any article that spells it "Family Fued" is trying to dissuade me from reading it.
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Jimmy Owen

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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #50 on: December 12, 2014, 04:57:04 AM »
Ironic that YouTube monetizes some of the copyright-infringing videos with a commercial prior to people being able to see them.
Where do you think that money goes, most of the time?
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #51 on: December 12, 2014, 07:02:05 PM »
Ironic that YouTube monetizes some of the copyright-infringing videos with a commercial prior to people being able to see them.
Where do you think that money goes, most of the time?

[The content creators] get to sit back, let us as game show fans continue to share the content we're passionate about (within reason), and in exchange they get to serve ads and collect the royalty money.  We get the content, they get the money.  It's as close to an "everyone wins" scenario as you can get in this situation.

Plz connect the dots yourself next time.

Jimmy Owen

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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #52 on: December 14, 2014, 09:50:57 AM »
Ironic that YouTube monetizes some of the copyright-infringing videos with a commercial prior to people being able to see them.
Where do you think that money goes, most of the time?

[The content creators] get to sit back, let us as game show fans continue to share the content we're passionate about (within reason), and in exchange they get to serve ads and collect the royalty money.  We get the content, they get the money.  It's as close to an "everyone wins" scenario as you can get in this situation.

Plz connect the dots yourself next time.

That does not make sense.  Why would [the content creators] demand removal when they're making money off it?
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Re: Advice, YouTube video blocked by BBTV_SonyPictures
« Reply #53 on: December 14, 2014, 11:12:52 AM »

Because they want to.

Some content creators are OK with snippets, clips, or one or two full episodes on their page. They work with YouTube to monetize some of their works via the Content ID system.

Other content creators are not—they're doing someone else with their content, whether it's prepping it for onDemand work, scrubbing the Internet, or losing rights to monetization—a variety of things.

There are a bunch of different companies who own rights to a lot of different properties. They are not all the same. There is room for content creators to do different things.