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Author Topic: Alex and the Sony Email Leak  (Read 16814 times)


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2014, 04:34:53 PM »
For the record: Based on the article, the mother's complaints weren't about what happened in the episode itself, but rather what Alex said at the beginning of the following episode. A transcript from JBoard:

Thank you, Johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. I'm sure you've noticed that one of the main differences between our kids week shows and our regular fare, aside from the age factor, of course, is the element of emotion. As talented as they are, these very bright young people, haven't yet had too many experiences in life where they were not the winners. And that can be pretty tough on some of them. Nevertheless, we hope that their visit to Jeopardy! winds up being viewed by them as a positive one. Olivia, Courtney, and Zane, welcome, good luck. Let's go to work. Here are the categories for the first round of play today...

Matt Ottinger

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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2014, 04:38:02 PM »
"Unfortunately, you misspelled it, and we have to rule against you" would be one of about 300 ways of wording it.  "Badly" strikes me as not only harsh, but inaccurate.  These are picky distinctions, to be sure, but the fact that Alex has a bit of a reputation for being condescending and aloof even to adult players probably isn't doing him any favors here.

Besides, Aaron Sorkin tells me it's none of my business.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2014, 04:46:30 PM »
Some other interesting info- apparently Jeff Zucker wanted to do a version of J! for CNN with all politics-based material....don't think that would have translated well...

(Though they are doing a GS for HLN called "Keywords" with Summer Sanders as host...

Matt Ottinger

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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2014, 04:47:03 PM »
For the record: Based on the article, the mother's complaints weren't about what happened in the episode itself, but rather what Alex said at the beginning of the following episode. A transcript from JBoard:

Thank you, Johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. I'm sure you've noticed that one of the main differences between our kids week shows and our regular fare, aside from the age factor, of course, is the element of emotion. As talented as they are, these very bright young people, haven't yet had too many experiences in life where they were not the winners. And that can be pretty tough on some of them. Nevertheless, we hope that their visit to Jeopardy! winds up being viewed by them as a positive one. Olivia, Courtney, and Zane, welcome, good luck. Let's go to work. Here are the categories for the first round of play today...

I mentioned on Facebook that I once had a team advisor send us a pretty nasty e-mail after a QuizBusters taping, because my efforts to be consoling to a team that got their butts handed to them was perceived by him (and apparently by some of his players) to be condescending.  No matter how well-meaning Alex's comments may have been, there's not a good way to say something like that and not rub the sore loser's family the wrong way.  And that's giving him the benefit of the doubt that his comment were actually well-meaning, and not a deliberate jab at a player and family he found annoying.  It strikes me as something that was totally unnecessary to bring up at the start of an episode that people are watching 23 1/2 hours later.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2014, 01:59:54 PM »
I mentioned on Facebook that I once had a team advisor send us a pretty nasty e-mail after a QuizBusters taping, because my efforts to be consoling to a team that got their butts handed to them was perceived by him (and apparently by some of his players) to be condescending.  No matter how well-meaning Alex's comments may have been, there's not a good way to say something like that and not rub the sore loser's family the wrong way.  And that's giving him the benefit of the doubt that his comment were actually well-meaning, and not a deliberate jab at a player and family he found annoying.  It strikes me as something that was totally unnecessary to bring up at the start of an episode that people are watching 23 1/2 hours later.
Alex does bring up notable moments from previous shows sometimes, especially during special weeks/tournaments. Also, is it possible that Alex wasn't sure how the girl's outburst would come across on TV (or how the editors would cut it), so he felt the need to mention it the next show?
Me: Of all of the game shows you've hosted besides Jeopardy!, like High Rollers or Classic Concentration, which is your favorite?
Alex Trebek: I'd have to say To Tell The Truth, because it was the first time in my career that I got to sit down while I was hosting.


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2014, 07:51:37 PM »
With Sony projecting a 100 million dollar loss from pulling "The Interview", what does that mean for our game show properties?(GSN, WOF, J, etc)


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2015, 06:38:42 PM »
The flap about the kid writing "emanciptation" instead of "emancipation" can get us into a gray area.  My understanding is that "Jeopardy!" doesn't penalize for spelling on "Final Jeopardy!" unless the spelling is so off that a completely different answer results.  I don't think this was the case here; I think everybody watching knew what the kid meant.  I've seen an episode of "You Bet Your Life" where Groucho's daughter Melinda teamed with Candice Bergen (both then 11 years old) to win some money for the Girl Scouts, with George Fenneman asking the questions.  One was to name the mountain range that separates Spain and France, and Melinda simply couldn't pronounce "Pyrenees"; it kept coming out as something like "Pyaneea."  But (and maybe it was because they were playing for a cause) Fenneman gave it to her, preventing them from missing two in a row and being eliminated.  (They went on to win $1000 but their dads wouldn't let them risk it on the wheel.)  Should they have been penalized as well?  You decide.

The "Jeopardy!" call, as far as I'm concerned, was crappy, but then again I think Trebek is crappy and have ever since "High Rollers."


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2015, 06:40:00 PM »
The "Jeopardy!" call, as far as I'm concerned, was crappy, but then again I think Trebek is crappy and have ever since "High Rollers."

Are you implying that Trebek made the call?


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2015, 07:17:35 PM »
He didn't exactly take exception with the judges nor do I feel he was sympathetic with the unfortunate kid.  Had this been the days of live TV, there would have been an excuse to replay the game (as happened on "Twenty-One" when Hank Bloomgarden named "coccyx" instead of "coccygeal" as one of the groups of bones in the spinal column, was ruled right, and was later overruled).  Of course, those days are over, so losers have to live with their misfortune unless it's a brazen error on the part of the judges.  I do think, in answer to your question, that Trebek could have said something other than that the kid misspelled "emancipation" (in his words) "badly."  Sometimes he just reminds me of a male Anne Robinson; it doesn't take much for me to imagine him saying, "You are the weakest link, goodbye."


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2015, 09:34:25 PM »
He didn't exactly take exception with the judges nor do I feel he was sympathetic with the unfortunate kid.

For what reason do you believe that a game show host even has the right to take exception with a judges' decision?  He is the host, NOT the judge...they are different jobs...if you want a host who is there to contradict a judge's decision, dig up the corpse of Richard Dawson.


Steve Gavazzi

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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2015, 10:17:11 PM »
My understanding is that "Jeopardy!" doesn't penalize for spelling on "Final Jeopardy!" unless the spelling is so off that a completely different answer results.  I don't think this was the case here

Okay.  How would you pronounce "emanciptation?"

I think everybody watching knew what the kid meant.

"Everybody knows what you meant to write" is, by your own admission, not the show's criteria for being "right enough."


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2015, 11:04:51 PM »
All of the rules are set forth with great precision in a document called the "bible". It is the document the judges, the producer, standards & practices and Alex are bound by. Every nationally-broadcast game show in the U.S. has a bible.


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2015, 11:22:47 PM »
The flap about the kid writing "emanciptation" instead of "emancipation" can get us into a gray area.  My understanding is that "Jeopardy!" doesn't penalize for spelling on "Final Jeopardy!" unless the spelling is so off that a completely different answer results.
Or it throws off the pronunciation, like it does here. Could it have gone either way? Perhaps...but even with kids, it's not out of line for the show to penalize the incorrect spelling, esp. if it adds another syllable. I can't remember; did the opponents spell it correctly?

I don't think this was the case here; I think everybody watching knew what the kid meant.  I've seen an episode of "You Bet Your Life" where Groucho's daughter Melinda teamed with Candice Bergen (both then 11 years old) to win some money for the Girl Scouts, with George Fenneman asking the questions.  One was to name the mountain range that separates Spain and France, and Melinda simply couldn't pronounce "Pyrenees"; it kept coming out as something like "Pyaneea."  But (and maybe it was because they were playing for a cause) Fenneman gave it to her, preventing them from missing two in a row and being eliminated.  (They went on to win $1000 but their dads wouldn't let them risk it on the wheel.)  Should they have been penalized as well?  You decide.
Apples and oranges, as far as quiz shows are concerned. You Bet Your Life was known for its comedic banter from the host...it's never going to be held as the gold standard for difficult game shows the way Jeopardy! is. Besides, like you said, celebrity episodes bend the rules quite a bit.

The "Jeopardy!" call, as far as I'm concerned, was crappy, but then again I think Trebek is crappy and have ever since "High Rollers."
Well, you may be letting one thing cloud the judgment of another, when the two really don't have much to do with one another. It would be like saying TPiR handled a questionable call wrong because you think Bob Barker is an a-hole.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2015, 11:49:06 PM »
I can't remember; did the opponents spell it correctly?
The eventual winner added a further $30,000 to his total, setting a Kids Week record and #5 on the list of highest one-day totals.

If there's $66,000 on the line mind your spelling.
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Re: Alex and the Sony Email Leak
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2015, 12:04:39 AM »
I'm going to reiterate what I said before, when this non-issue was first raised.

It isn't called the "Emanciptation Proclamation".
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

“We’re game show fans. ‘Weird’ comes with the territory.” - Matt Ottinger, 2022