I suspect Travis is lamenting the poor performance of his Eulers. Which, believe me, I get. 
Even with the win last night, Edmonton has lost nearly twice as many games as they've won. You can't even make the joke that they're just happy to be there. Any night they score more than 2.718 goals is cause for celebration, as opposed to the nights where they're beaten so badly that seat holders throw their kit onto the ice out of frustrated rage.
The gag is that Edmonton is out in the middle of nowhere (odd for a provincial capital at that), and your choices are Big Ass-Mall, Hockey, and Knockoff Version of Game Show. I would be totally unsurprise if hockey barely snuck onto the medal podium in that battle.
/Sounders 'til I die
Believe me, I'm down for the cause on a soccer night, so it's a case of any port in a storm.