With the exception of the idiotic "smallest bill's a $5" thing, Canada does money *far* better than we do.
Though highly frowned upon by the Bank of Canada, at least you can "Vulcanize" the Canadian $5.00 Bills:
From this:

To something like this:

...which has been a growing trend since Nimoy's passing.
I've heard it proposed that the reason $1 coins never caught on in the U.S. is because we never pulled the dollar bill, giving Americans the choice between coins and bills.
Yet the government is stockpiling millions, if not billions of new "presidential" dollar coins (just like how they did the state quarters -- this year they will be up to the LBJ coin). 99% of them will most likely never see the inside of a cash register till, just like most of the other dollar coins and $2.00 bills.