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Author Topic: Some GS related humor  (Read 1522 times)

Eddie "Chiclets" McGee

  • Guest
Some GS related humor
« on: January 13, 2004, 03:12:28 PM »
Hey guys!  If you have never checked out the WWWF Grudge Match, it is a humor site which takes pop culture personalities and pits them in different types of "battles," complete with commentary.  That said, the current Grudge Match features John Madden versus Pablo Picasso, drawing for their respective celebrity teams on "Celebrity Win, Lose, or Draw!"  If you check in the history also, you will find past Grudge Matches involving Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud, Match Game '77, Win Ben Stein's Money, The Weakest Link, The Gong Show, and The Newlywed Game; as well as a kissing booth contest between Bob Barker and Richard Dawson, and three sitcom couples on Temptation Island.  Here is the link:


Check it out!
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 03:13:47 PM by Eddie "Chiclets" McGee »