But it's been 3+ weeks.
So what is the normal over-under on when a sweepstakes drawing closes and when the winners are released to the public? It's possible that something like this takes 30 days. It's also possible that the drawing has already happened, in which case if you were a winner, you would have already been contacted.
Again, poor choice of language from the BUZZR intern. That doesn't mean that the time that is being spent is inappropriate.
As a random dart on the board, I googled sweepstakes rules and the first link was one from Wal-Mart. There's a 12-day lag from the time that the on-line entry method closes to the actual draw date. But that also has an additional window for mail-in entries. It takes about a week after that to notify the winners, and then the winners have a two-week window to affirm their status. That would push their drawing that ends in January to a March deadline for confirming winners. Then they would probably do the press release a couple of weeks after that, assuming they release a list of winners at all.
If you feel that what I've just given you as an example deviates from the norm, I'd like to know how and why. Otherwise, I think this entire line of complaining is unnecessary.
Now, if you just have to know who won, many sweepstakes offer a means to get a copy of the winners list by mailing in a request. Presuming you have a copy of the official rules for the BUZZR drawing, feel free to make such a solicitation, and put up a copy of it here when it comes.
And if you didn't keep a copy of the rules, then it's not that important to you; so let it go.