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Author Topic: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR  (Read 7672 times)


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Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:47:44 AM »
I've been watching Carol Burnett on MeTV (sadly it's the badly edited half hour version, not the full episodes, but there are plenty on YouTube) and noticed that on one episode, the cash register from Grocery Game (which was the original blue one, from 1972) can be seen in one sketch. (BTW did they actually replace the register once, or did they refurbish the original register? If they did, it was sometime after the "WIN" and "OVER" lights were added to the register)

Also, recently they aired a sketch taking place in some fancy restaurant, and there was an open door with what looked like the first Barker wall with the brown circles and orange/red grid in the background.

Steve Gavazzi

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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2015, 06:24:46 PM »
BTW did they actually replace the register once, or did they refurbish the original register?

I don't think it was either, really -- I think they just plain had two registers.  There's a show...I think on the DVD set from the summer of '73 that uses the white one that wouldn't show up on a regular basis for quite some time afterward.


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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2015, 06:49:32 PM »
I've been watching Carol Burnett on MeTV (sadly it's the badly edited half hour version, not the full episodes, but there are plenty on YouTube)
I don't think they're badly edited; the syndicated episodes (Carol Burnett and Friends) are more of a "best of" compilation of classic sketches from the early-to-mid-70s. If I'm not mistaken, the clips come from various episodes, not just edited from a specific ep.

Carson's Comedy Classics from the early-80s was done the same way. Same for the SNL and SCTV episodes that aired on Nick at Nite in the late-80s.
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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2015, 12:14:36 AM »
I've been watching Carol Burnett on MeTV (sadly it's the badly edited half hour version, not the full episodes, but there are plenty on YouTube)
I don't think they're badly edited; the syndicated episodes (Carol Burnett and Friends) are more of a "best of" compilation of classic sketches from the early-to-mid-70s. If I'm not mistaken, the clips come from various episodes, not just edited from a specific ep.

Carson's Comedy Classics from the early-80s was done the same way. Same for the SNL and SCTV episodes that aired on Nick at Nite in the late-80s.

While you are correct about the Carson and SCTV reruns, each CB&F ep was culled from a single episode (usually you had one question from the Q&A, if even that, and two lengthy sketches).  Burnett lamented for years that they had to strip the musical numbers out, but some later CB&F episodes put one in in place of a sketch.  (The half hour SNLs also were culled from single episodes.)

Isn't Burnett still a little peeved about 33 being renamed for Barker?
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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2015, 03:18:31 AM »
I've been watching Carol Burnett on MeTV (sadly it's the badly edited half hour version, not the full episodes, but there are plenty on YouTube)
I don't think they're badly edited; the syndicated episodes (Carol Burnett and Friends) are more of a "best of" compilation of classic sketches from the early-to-mid-70s. If I'm not mistaken, the clips come from various episodes, not just edited from a specific ep.

They just look badly edited on the episodes where Carol comes out only to say "We'll be right back".

/Wait, what?


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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2015, 12:03:37 PM »
While you are correct about the Carson and SCTV reruns, each CB&F ep was culled from a single episode (usually you had one question from the Q&A, if even that, and two lengthy sketches).
I stand (or sit) corrected. Thanks.
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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2015, 07:52:30 AM »
I'm guessing they might've had two registers all along, in case one were to break and not be repairable. Obviously they went with the silver/white register which is still in use today, as it looks better than the original blue one.

I've also noticed with the MeTV Carol Burnett shows, sometimes they'll show the same episode with the same guest stars, but different sketches, so in actuality the same episode was edited to half hour segments, and some musical numbers were edited out completely, as well as some of the Q&A.

I am guessing we'll never see an episode from the 60s, or the VERY first show.


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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2015, 02:02:34 PM »
I am guessing we'll never see an episode from the 60s, or the VERY first show.
Maybe not on broadcast TV but at least a DVD set of the first 5 years is coming out this fall, which will include the first episode.
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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2015, 07:27:13 PM »
I am guessing we'll never see an episode from the 60s, or the VERY first show.
Maybe not on broadcast TV but at least a DVD set of the first 5 years is coming out this fall, which will include the first episode.

O M G !  I had not heard about this!  TOP OF MY WISH LIST!


That Don Guy

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Re: Carol Burnett Show using props from TPIR
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2015, 04:36:29 PM »
I've been watching Carol Burnett on MeTV (sadly it's the badly edited half hour version, not the full episodes, but there are plenty on YouTube) and noticed that on one episode, the cash register from Grocery Game (which was the original blue one, from 1972) can be seen in one sketch. (BTW did they actually replace the register once, or did they refurbish the original register? If they did, it was sometime after the "WIN" and "OVER" lights were added to the register)
You're sure it was the same one?  TPIR wasn't the only game show to use a (non-antique) cash register; LMAD's version of "Checkout" used one as well (and the ABC episodes used a mechanical one, not the electronic one used in syndication).