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Author Topic: "Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the year 1959..."  (Read 4045 times)

Esoteric Eric

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"Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the year 1959..."
« on: September 12, 2015, 07:26:52 PM »
    Keith Olbermann retweeted a link from @NYTArchives today. 


@NYTArchives posted the TV page from September 14, 1959, with their focus being on the paper's review of the première (the Grey Lady spelled "premiere" with l'accent grave back then) of Bonanza.  Keith's retweet noted that Betty White was a guest on that night's Tonight (Jack Paar) Show.
Even excluding the raft of game shows in the listings, a fair number of other former / current / future GS personalities have their names on this page:
  • It was debut night for International Detective starring "Arthur" Fleming
  • Mike Wallace all over the Channel 13 schedule. (Apparently, this was before 13 became the public broadcasting outlet for NYC.)
  • Also on 13, Barry Gray from Winner Take All and Henry Morgan
  • Dr. Joyce Brothers, shunted to 1:00 am, even later than Henry
  • Bill Cullen Himself, dominating the morning radio listings (which also feature Robert Q. Lewis, Bob and Ray, and Barry Gray again).
Any more? (Just found Fred Robbins, host of The Girl in My Life Haggis Baggis. but that doesn't really count, does it?)[/list]
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 07:43:06 PM by Esoteric Eric »
Eric Smallman; "...I don't think God ever forgave me for Phyllis Newman..." - "Jimmy Carter" (Dan Aykroyd), SNL, 1976

Jimmy Owen

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Re: "Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the year 1959..."
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2015, 07:30:12 PM »
    Keith Olbermann retweeted a link from @NYTArchives today. 


@NYTArchives posted the TV page from September 14, 1959, with their focus being on the paper's review of the première (the Grey Lady spelled "premiere" with l'accent grave back then) of Bonanza.  Keith's retweet noted that Betty White was a guest on that night's Tonight (Jack Paar) Show.
Even excluding the raft of game shows in the listings, a fair number of other former / current / future GS personalities have their names on this page:
  • It was debut night for International Detective starring "Arthur" Fleming
  • Mike Wallace all over the Channel 13 schedule. (Apparently, this was before 13 became the public broadcasting outlet for NYC.)
  • Also on 13, Barry Gray from Winner Take All and Henry Morgan
  • Dr. Joyce Brothers, shunted to 1:00 am, even later than Henry
  • Bill Cullen Himself, dominating the morning radio listings (which also feature Robert Q. Lewis, Bob and Ray, and Barry Gray again).
Any more? (Just found Fred Robbins, host of The Girl in My Life, but that doesn't really count, does it?)
You're thinking of Fred Holliday for TGIML, however Fred Robbins hosted daytime Haggis Baggis just before Dennis James took over.[/list]
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.

Esoteric Eric

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Re: "Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the year 1959..."
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2015, 07:39:04 PM »
      Thanks Jimmy! Dang it, I
always get those two mixed up...

ETA: not sure why that "[/list]" thing's showing up at the end of our previous posts. Serves me right for getting too adventurous, I guess.

ETA2: <Aussie flag> [CRIKEY DINGO!]  I've gotten this whole <French flag>[OOH LA LA!] post completely <diversity flag> [UH-OH!]ed up![/list]
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 07:54:25 PM by Esoteric Eric »
Eric Smallman; "...I don't think God ever forgave me for Phyllis Newman..." - "Jimmy Carter" (Dan Aykroyd), SNL, 1976

aaron sica

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Re: "Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the year 1959..."
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2015, 08:44:48 PM »
(Apparently, this was before 13 became the public broadcasting outlet for NYC.)[/li][/list]

Yep.....WNTA, as it was known then, went dark in late '61. In September '62 it signed back on as educational WNDT.


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Re: "Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the year 1959..."
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2015, 04:19:01 AM »
Cliff Arquette was also on the Parr show that night.  Fans of the original Hollywood Squares might know him better as good ol' Charley Weaver.


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Re: "Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the year 1959..."
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2015, 03:02:13 PM »
  I was watching Sunday NFL Countdown on ESPN Sunday, and Chris Berman (a former GS host in his own right) said, "Charley Weaver for the block."

  I wonder how many people under 40 got that reference...

Have yourself a round of sausage?