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Author Topic: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?  (Read 12920 times)


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So I was on vacation in NYC last week, and went to the Paley Center. There were a few 70's shows in the collection that I was able to see (The Moneymaze, Gambit, and Celebrity Sweepstakes, among others), but one I thought was interesting was a High Rollers episode from 1975. This was from the first version of the series, so the rules were different from the one later in the 70's and the 80's versions. The two main rule changes were:

- no insurance markers for doubles, except in the Big Numbers, and

- instead of the numbers in the front game being in prize columns, each number individually had a prize (two numbers had a half of a big prize behind them such as a car and if the players got one each, the prize was out of play).

I thought this ruleset was interesting; I don't know if I'd prefer it to the one used later on though. Having each number have a prize changes the strategy up a little- if you get a 10 in the first roll of a round, do you play it safe with a 9/1, take a risk with an 8/2 (since snake-eyes on a later roll would be a bust), or try to go for the prizes with a 5/3/2 or even 4/3/2/1?

Though from a budget point of view, the columns made more sense- even in the later 70's version where a prize was added to a column each game up to 5, there was more of a chance a round would be won with just the $100 minimum because no columns would be cleared (and once a column hit the max, there could be games where only 2, 1, or in rare cases no prizes would be added ot the board). The insurance markers in the front game in the later version seems to be a little fairer too- it meant snake-eyes was always safe; either you took the 2 if if it was available, or got another roll.

Any Thoughts?


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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2015, 05:11:43 PM »
The way to get people to actually roll the dice is to incentivize the risk. It seems that having a prize behind each number would make it more likely that someone would have a go even if there were no insurance talismans to protect them.
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Adam Nedeff

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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2015, 05:16:11 PM »
I've seen the Paley Center episodes plus one other episode from the original run. What I found interesting was that contestants almost never went for a single number. In the main game, a contestant who rolls a 9 ALWAYS goes for something like 2/3/4. Combined with, as you pointed out, the absence of insurance markers in the main game, and there's just very very little meat on those bones. They whiz through each game really fast. And actually, you talked about things from a budget standpoint, but watching the episodes play out, I'm not sure the "columns" format was cheaper. Two players split the most valuable prize, so that's not given away, and then one player knocks out three prizes on a big play, creating a lot of bad rolls, and the game ends on the next question.

Also, the "doubles" sound effect in the end game is the single most irritating noise I've ever heard on a TV game show.

What's interesting about being exposed to the original run is that it now gives me an odd feeling about "High Rollers." I like the show, but there's no version of it that I'm totally happy with. 1974-76 had a beautiful set and music, a pretty good game, but very barebones execution. 1978-80 was played better but had a fugly set. 1987-88 was a good game, but it moved too slowly.

Sonic Whammy

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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 12:20:21 AM »
What I found interesting was that contestants almost never went for a single number. In the main game, a contestant who rolls a 9 ALWAYS goes for something like 2/3/4. ... They whiz through each game really fast.

Also, the "doubles" sound effect in the end game is the single most irritating noise I've ever heard on a TV game show.
I recall the same thing with all the low numbers going away pretty much instantly on the first roll. Also remember it feeling a little unfair that Ruta Lee did all the rolling. You always feel more comfortable with the dice in your own hands, I'd think.

The doubles sound was irritating? It's been too long since I've heard it, I need a reference point. And I know if I heard them I can think of some others. That's a whole new thread in itself.
Brian Sapinski

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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2015, 09:57:08 AM »
The doubles sound was irritating? It's been too long since I've heard it, I need a reference point.

I can hear it in my head, but damned if I can name something more commonly heard that even remotely sounds like it.


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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2015, 10:24:49 AM »
It started out like one of the show's buzzers and then denigrated into an electronic version of an English ambulance horn, but with very short, sharp beeps. If I had to spell it out, it would probably go fweeeeeeeeee-ing-ong-ing-ong-ing-ong-ing-ong. (Four ing-ongs.) And they used the old Baffle "bonus win" cue if anyone completed the Big Numbers.

Adam Nedeff

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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2015, 11:46:18 AM »

The doubles sound was irritating? It's been too long since I've heard it, I need a reference point.
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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2015, 03:55:53 PM »
1974-76 had a beautiful set and music, a pretty good game, but very barebones execution. 1978-80 was played better but had a fugly set. 1987-88 was a good game, but it moved too slowly.
Is Wink's version slow compared to the whip-cracking that Alex would do, or just slow in general? Because watching the 1987 version it doesn't go at a breakneck pace (and there's always a prize in every column), but it doesn't seem to plod. The things I like about Alex's version are the fact that Alex is hosting capably, the atmosphere and the creative and lavish prizes.

For the original version how were the prizes revealed behind the numbers that were removed from play?
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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2015, 04:10:04 PM »
For the original version how were the prizes revealed behind the numbers that were removed from play?

Trilons (or similar) that turn on the X axis (like Feud). Alex would name them off as they were revealed. "Behind the 2...[DING!] a stereo! Under the 3...[DING!] half a car!"

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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2015, 04:29:23 PM »
Hope he doesn't mind, but here's a screencap, courtesy Adam Nedeff.

"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Adam Nedeff

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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2015, 05:24:10 PM »
For the original version how were the prizes revealed behind the numbers that were removed from play?

Trilons (or similar) that turn on the X axis (like Feud). Alex would name them off as they were revealed. "Behind the 2...[DING!] a stereo! Under the 3...[DING!] half a car!"


See, that was another thing that didn't sit right with me about the original series. The prize attached to the number isn't revealed until the number is knocked off. I realize reading copy for 7 prizes (one prize is split between two numbers, and one number is always hiding cash, so 7 prizes), but my thinking is, if they revealed what the prizes were ahead of time as on the later versions, it might affect contestants' decisions and create more dilemmas.


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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2015, 05:48:11 PM »
If it's mine to do I would put this spin on it: the numbers 1-5 have a middling prize revealed to all--because they're the easy numbers to pick off, the prize would be relatively small. The numbers 6 through 9 would have two halves of a major prize hidden, one would have a mystery amount of money and the last one would have an apple core. You can't knock out more than one of those numbers at a time and you don't know what you're going to get.
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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2015, 06:00:51 PM »
1974-76 had a beautiful set and music, a pretty good game, but very barebones execution. 1978-80 was played better but had a fugly set. 1987-88 was a good game, but it moved too slowly.
Is Wink's version slow compared to the whip-cracking that Alex would do, or just slow in general? Because watching the 1987 version it doesn't go at a breakneck pace (and there's always a prize in every column), but it doesn't seem to plod.

What would bring Winks version to a crawl were those "side games" that the prize winner would play between the regular games in the match.  Take out the side game factor, and I think Alex still had the faster gameplay, but not by much.


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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2015, 06:02:54 PM »
What would bring Winks version to a crawl were those "side games" that the prize winner would play between the regular games in the match.  Take out the side game factor, and I think Alex still had the faster gameplay, but not by much.
Except that they didn't bring the show to a crawl. Lots of those games were just a single die roll to determine the prize, trip or car won.
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Re: High Rollers- 1st version ruleset better than 2nd version ruleset?
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2015, 07:27:34 PM »
What would bring Winks version to a crawl were those "side games" that the prize winner would play between the regular games in the match.  Take out the side game factor, and I think Alex still had the faster gameplay, but not by much.
Except that they didn't bring the show to a crawl. Lots of those games were just a single die roll to determine the prize, trip or car won.

Sometimes it was a single die roll.  And sometimes they placed Love Letters.  But that only took two minutes to play, and was only part of a larger slowness.

It was frequently the case that they moved at a pace of less than a match per show.  That's a sign of a show that's moving too slow.
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