Hey there everyone!
I don't post often, mostly just lurk.

But I thought you all might enjoy this podcast I did the day before yesterday with Rob Cesternino (of "Survivor: Amazon"/"Survivor: All-Stars" fame), and two other previous game show contestants who have been on Jeopardy and Millionaire. It's all about being a TV game show contestant, our shared experiences, and just a lot of general game show blab.
http://robhasawebsite.com/game-show-contestants-ama-speak-jeopardy-who-wants-to-be-a-millionaire-price-is-right/I hope you all (of all people) can appreciate that I know the difference between the Showcase Showdown and the Showcase, and I managed to work in a reference to the game show "Whew!", but I don't think the other 3 panelists knew what I was talking about.

I mainly do a lot of Big Brother podcasting with RHAP (Rob Has a Podcast), but in the off-seasons of Survivor and Big Brother, we decided to do a RHAP roundtable on TV game shows. You're not likely to learn a lot that you didn't know, but I think you'll enjoy listening to our experiences (some great, some good, some awful) and thoughts. Cesternino is actually a huge game show fan, so it was nice to talk to someone who loves TPIR and the 80s game shows as much as I do.