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Author Topic: Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron  (Read 9072 times)

Brandon Brooks

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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2004, 08:48:17 PM »
[quote name=\'jdhernandez\' date=\'Jan 18 2004, 08:45 PM\'] To me, having one answer in the last round is really not working...that's what I meant. [/quote]
 Now, I see.  And I wholly agree.

Brandon Brooks


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2004, 08:57:31 PM »
[quote name=\'jdhernandez\' date=\'Jan 18 2004, 08:45 PM\'] how many times in the Dawson version was there a SIXTH round played? [/quote]
 Not all that often, until the 400 point rule in 1984-85.


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2004, 10:19:34 PM »
Yes, but that could have been avoided if they hadn't done 4 single questions then. Anyone know why they added a 4th single round? Was it because of Dawson? I know that is why they went to 400 to begin with, but did they add the 4th single round for those same reasons?


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2004, 10:43:59 PM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'Jan 18 2004, 10:19 PM\'] Was it because of Dawson? I know that is why they went to 400 to begin with [/quote]
 I hope you're not suggesting that Dawson advocated the 400 point rule, because as far as I know that's not the case. He would have much rather joked around for half an hour than have had to rush the show due to the game - the 400 point thing was ABC and or Howard Flesher's suggestion.


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2004, 10:46:42 PM »
I wasn't saying that at all. I knew that it was ABC's idea to do the 400 point rule, but I was just wondering if they came up with the extra single round, for the same reason as advocating the 400 point rule to start with.


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2004, 10:51:19 PM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'Jan 18 2004, 10:46 PM\'] I wasn't saying that at all. I knew that it was ABC's idea to do the 400 point rule, but I was just wondering if they came up with the extra single round, for the same reason as advocating the 400 point rule to start with. [/quote]
 Ah. I get what you're saying now...and it would make sense. Adding more single rounds actually is more effective in getting more game play in an ep than just extending the points required to win.


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2004, 11:40:23 PM »
How so exactly? Let's say a team had over 200 points after 3 single rounds. If they were to do a double round, they could win.


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2004, 11:53:31 PM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'Jan 18 2004, 11:40 PM\'] How so exactly? Let's say a team had over 200 points after 3 single rounds. If they were to do a double round, they could win. [/quote]
 The 300 point format was Single-Single-Single-Double-Triple(save for c. 1979-81 on the daytime show where it was Single-Single-Double-Double-Triple), wherein a game could be won after the fourth question. In the 400 point format, it was Single-Single-Single-Single-Double-Triple, so it would take at least five questions to determine a winner.


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2004, 11:55:14 PM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'Jan 18 2004, 11:40 PM\'] How so exactly? Let's say a team had over 200 points after 3 single rounds. If they were to do a double round, they could win. [/quote]
 Well, say the original format is


with the intent of reaching 300 points.

Now, making it

... and all of a sudden there's no possibility of a 3 round win, like there was in the original idea.

I guess it's the same addition to the length as if you made it 400 pts. Sorry bout that.

David Lawrence

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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2004, 09:36:02 AM »
Though my Spanish is limited, I enjoy 100MD, even more than Karn's version, which I also like but don't watch as often. It's modern without losing the warmth of the classic.
Marco does a great job, especially when buidling suspense during Fast Money (or rather Dinero Rapido). He's funny but keeps the game moving. He's also borrowed touches from both Dawson and Combs. (He kisses the ladies, and I've seen one episode where he tries on a woman's shoes.)
It's strange to see Fast Money answers sometimes worth 70 to 80 points. (And even then, the families don't always reach 200.)

I usually only have time to watch a couple times a week, so can any who also watches tell me the about the charity telethon that's been in the background the last couple week? There are various "Teleton" signs and a yellow pig (like a piggy bank) that sits on the face-off table between the buzzers. Yet the gameplay is normal (not for charity).


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2004, 10:24:45 AM »
[quote name=\'David Lawrence\' date=\'Jan 19 2004, 09:36 AM\']I usually only have time to watch a couple times a week, so can any who also watches tell me the about the charity telethon that's been in the background the last couple week? There are various "Teleton" signs and a yellow pig (like a piggy bank) that sits on the face-off table between the buzzers. Yet the gameplay is normal (not for charity).[/quote]
According to his web site, he's one of the "Jerry Lewis'" of Mexican Telethons.  (Don Francisco of the other variety/game show Sabado Gigante has/had one, too.)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2004, 10:25:37 AM by pianogeek »


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2004, 11:52:28 AM »
ObMexicanGameShow: I remember when someone decided that they were gonna make Don Francisco a crossover star in the US, and booked him on all of the nighttime talk shows. Needless to say, it didn't work.

MoreObMexicanGameShow: I miss El Gran Juego De La Oca. You younguns should Google up some of the recaps of that show from ATGS back before Harvey and his buddies crapped all over it. THAT was some good TV. And keep in mind this was almost a solid decade before Fear Factor...
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2004, 03:06:56 PM »
[quote name=\'rugrats1\' date=\'Jan 18 2004, 04:32 PM\'] Telefutura is available over-the-air in many hispanic markets, especially markets that had both Home Shopping and Univision over-the-air before Telefutura started, like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Tampa Bay, Miami, Chicago and New York, among others. [/quote]
Add tv 67 in Houston to the list.

TV 67 began in January 1986 as an independent!  Then in October 1986, it switched to Home Shopping Network.  And then it became Telefutura in 2001.

I've seen a few episodes of 100 Mexicanos Dijeron myself.  One week, they had a special week where a famous person (sports star/tv star) was captain with 4 children playing with them.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2004, 03:08:28 PM by GSWitch »


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2004, 10:35:28 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jan 19 2004, 11:52 AM\']MoreObMexicanGameShow: I miss El Gran Juego De La Oca. You younguns should Google up some of the recaps of that show from ATGS back before Harvey and his buddies crapped all over it. THAT was some good TV. And keep in mind this was almost a solid decade before Fear Factor...[/quote]
I, for one, wish to echo Chris' sentiments.  That was a show you didn't have to either know the language or consume large amounts of alcohol to enjoy.  Especially the "Beauty Salon" contest (Contestant --always a guy-- gets a question.  Get it right, get a toenail painted.  Blow it, get a section of your leg waxed.)

Chris, you're making me wish I had my giant C-Band dish again.  Stop that.

(...But I thought Juego was Portugese, wasn't it?)


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Karn Family Feud vs. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2004, 12:00:16 AM »
[quote name=\'CarbonCpy\' date=\'Jan 19 2004, 08:35 PM\'] (...But I thought Juego was Portugese, wasn't it?)
 Something like that. Maybe Spain? I remember them using the peseta as the unit of money they would wager on the various stunts.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe