I'm taking Introduction to Audio Production this semester at Marshall University, and that combined with the fact that I've been on the Marshall radio staff for a year and a half means I'm required to become very familiar with the station's operations manual...
We turn to page 39, the Professionalism Policy with a list of 15 examples of unprofessional behavior (10 have been violated by yours truly in the past 18 months). One of the examples of unprofessional behavior given is stated as follows:
#12: Using WMUL-FM to broadcast personal messages to a specific listener. When Pat Sajak invites "Wheel of Fortune" players to say "Hi!" to someone at home, he is breaking a federal law against using a mass medium for individual messages. That's why it's called broadcasting.
So with more than 3,000 shows under his belt now, and with three contestants per show, being conservative, it is safe to estimate that Pat has violated a federal alw at least 2,500 times. And with that kind of record, it suddenly becomes easy to believe that he injured that poor man's back with intended malice and had it edited in post-production. Mister Sajak, if that IS your real name, while I cannot speak for the other members of this board, I can say without uncertainty that I personally will no longer tolerate your disdain for the laws that are meant to protect ordinary folks like us.