Caught the first segment of The Price is Right this morning, and the theme this year takes a page from The Drew Carey Show, and has an error scavenger hunt, so to speak, where if you note all the things wrong on the show you have a chance to enter a contest for a trip to Costa Rica (to some, Drew still being the host was not considered one of them!!!). Drew did this AFD stunt at least once (possibly twice??) on his old ABC show.
There were quite a few audio & visual "errors" -- some obvious, some harder to catch -- in the first segment alone. For example, Drew entered from a different door than usual at the start of the show, which to a casual viewer like me didn't even notice until he mentioned it as the first "error". And some of the actual pricing games had subtle changes to them, including 2 on the Money Game board alone.
This was a nice change of pace compared to some of the other April Fools Day episode themes they did in the past.