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Author Topic: Hour-long game shows?  (Read 19856 times)


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Re: Hour-long game shows?
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2016, 04:35:59 AM »
Hollywood Squares had the same problem. All they could do was play more of it. There was no build.

Paley Center has one of those hour-long episodes (in what seems to be a dub with crude editing)- their approach to maintain interest involved the rotation of celebrities in and out of the squares during the hour. This approach was something that almost certainly would have been cost-prohibitive to do regularly, helping to ensure that this was a one-week experiment.


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Re: Hour-long game shows?
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2016, 12:26:28 PM »
...What would they be trading? All they have are developed monopolies and cash on hand.

If there was a way to expand the original daily rules pilot into forty-five minutes (perhaps have a movie of the week at 8:45) then I think it would get very close to awesome.

To allow for trading, they'd have to skip turning every group into a monopoly in the opening round. Is the daily-rules pilot Peter Tomarken's pilot?

That Don Guy

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Re: Hour-long game shows?
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2016, 01:42:23 PM »
I don't think the Wheel of Fortune expansion was bad - two three-round games; one head-to-head game for the two winners; day's champion plays a bonus round similar to the one we all know and love - but I'm sure it was more rushed (November 3 for the test run, December 1 for full time) - and the first half-hour of the hour-long Wheel ran against the last half-hour of TPIR.
One problem may have been, in order to fit the last game (and the bonus round) in, the first two games almost always were interrupted with the "ship's bell" during their third puzzles (which, IIRC, was the first time $1500 appeared on the wheel).

Also, was the bonus round for the winner automatic, or didn't the player have to land on a "Bonus disc" on the wheel (and note that I am not confusing this with the Star Bonus from a few years later - this looked like one of the old Free Spin discs, but said "BONUS" on it, and if somebody landed on it but later landed on Bankrupt, Chuck would put it back on the wheel, usually with a bang of his fist) first?  Is it possible that the November version was different from the December/January one (which is the only one I saw)?